Tonal Magic
Practitioners of several of the Magical Disciplines understand the importance of using certain sounds and utterances to shape the Six Energies to their will. Some, though, have come to learn how sound alone - if produced and controlled precisely enough - can coax the Energies into producing magical effects. By producing the right sounds in the right combinations, those who master Tonal Magic through the study of the Power of Music Acquired Specialty can control the magic of the world.
Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to users of Tonal Magic:
This spell allows the caster to deliver a message to a single target creature within the spell's range; the message being "hidden" within the lyrics of a song being sung by the caster. Others hearing the song will hear the caster, but will not recognize the hidden message contained within what sound like typical song lyrics.
Both the caster and the target must be within environments that permit sound to travel, and sound must be able to travel from one to the other. Thin walls or doors may not block the spell, but thick stone or other soundproofing (including magical silence zones) may. The target is selected by the caster at the beginning of the singing.
The caster may continue to deliver messages or instructions for as long as they keep continuously singing or the spell duration expires. If the caster's CHA bonus is +5 or greater, they may choose to switch targets while still singing, but only one target at a time will be able to understand the hidden message.
Inspire Confidence
The caster's singing instills confidence in their nearby allies, increasing their chances of success in whatever they are attempting to do. All allies of the caster within the spell's range - but not the caster themself - receive a +1 bonus to any damage rolls or skill checks they attempt for as long as the singing continues. In the case of damage rolls, the bonus is applied as whatever type of damage the roll was generating.
In combat rounds after the initial one in which the inspirational song begins, the caster is able to continue singing to inspire confidence and provide the bonuses, but suffer a -1 penalty to any damage rolls or skill checks they attempt. (The stamina drain for casting the spell is performed only once in the round the singing commences.)
Reveal Magic
By producing and maintaining the correct sequence of audible tones, the caster is cause nearby magical items or spell effects to reveal themselves by means of a soft glowing aura. This glow is visible only for as long as the caster continues to emante the necessary audible tones, and is visible to any creature or character that has a line of sight to an affected item or spell effect. If multiple magic sources exist in very close proximity, their auras may overlap and make it difficult to discern precise sources.
During the round in which this spell is cast, the caster cannot make any movement, other than the slow turning in place mentioned above.
Illusions that were designed to conceal their magical nature can only be detected by this spell if the caster is of higher level than the level of the creator of the illusion at the time the illusion was created.
Sonic Ping
The caster emits an brief, audible, loud tone, and by listening carefully for return echoes, is able to obtain information about the area before them in the chosen direction. This spell can be used to determine the distance between the caster and an isolated object or creature, or to gauge the dimensions of an enclosed space, as well as an estimation of the nature of enclosing walls (rough vs smooth) and whether or not there is "clutter" (i.e. furniture, small obstacles, or enemy creatures) in the space. The number of such "clutter" items can be determined, though if it is more than 10, a "nearest 10 approximation" is the best that can be achieved.
The spell allows discernment of a space in a 90o wedge centered on the direction the caster is facing when the sound is uttered. Echoes will be returned from objects, creatures, or barriers up to 200ft (60m) away. The area must be relatively quiet; significant levels of background noise will drown out the echoes and cause the spell to fail.
The caster hums or sings a calming melody that relaxes the target creatures hearing it, allowing them to recover stamina or even heal injuries at an accelerated rate. The target creatures must be able to hear the caster; the number of potentially affected targets is equal to the caster's CHA bonus.
In the case of recovering stamina, targets affected by the soothing melody recover lost stamina in half the usual time. In the case of injuries, provided the target observes the usual requirements for healing injuries (e.g. Safe Environment and appropriate rest time), a second injury point can be healed in addition to the usual one. Note that in either case, the caster can never be the target of their own casting.
Trigger Emotion
The caster sings a song that invokes a feeling of emotion within affected targets that will alter their disposition toward the caster and their allies. An uplifting or calming song could be used to improve disposition by one step (i.e. from Neutral to Friendly, or from Unfriendly to Neutral). Alternatively an insulting, irritating ditty can be used to cause disposition to shift in the other direction (e.g. from Unfriendly to Hostile) in order to provoke an attack.
A number of target creatures equal to the caster's CHA bonus can be affected, provided they are within range of the caster and can hear the caster's singing. They do not need to be able to understand the language of the caster.
The caster's music creates an invisible barrier of magical energy protecting the character from all incoming effects of enchantments such as Command, Sleep, Suggestion, or Charm Person - any spell that potentially has a WIL save associated with it. The shield lasts for 10 minutes or until it absorbs a number of incoming spell levels equal to the CHA of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can, however, bring up Combat, Elemental, and/or Psychic Shields on subsequent turns without the Charm Shield dissipating.
If an Enchantment spell of a level greater than the remaining capacity of the Shield is cast, the Shield fails and the full effect of the incoming spell is adjudicated, but the formerly shielded target gains a +1 on any saving throw involved.
Energy Note
The caster generates a monotone sound which channels one of the Six Energies into a damaging burst projected at a single target creature. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.
The caster must specify a simple type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. The caster must have a line of sight to the target, and the target must be within the spell's range. The target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the spell.
Entice the Crowd
The caster performs a magically enhanced musical piece which is able to alter the current mood/intent of all characters within the specified area of effect. These can be either Player Characters or NPCs, but must be of a heritage/parentage/race considered "playable" in game.
Each potential target within the spell's area of effect must attempt a Willpower (WIL) save with a DC of 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus. If the save fails, the target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by one positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the targets are immune to any further attempts to magically influence their mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter their moods during this period.
If a target's WIL check succeeds, that individual's attitude remains unchanged, and they are immune to any further attempts to magically alter their attitude toward the caster for one hour. (Other, nonmagical attempts, such as those using the Diplomacy or Intimidation Acquired Specialties, can still be attempted.
This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster's language. It is not necessary for the targets to understand the caster's language in order for the spell to work, though.
The Material component for this spell is an instrument which the caster must play to evoke the magical effect. It is not consumed by the casting.
Freshen Up
Upon casting this spell, any dirt, mud, or other grime that is soiling the caster's skin and clothing disappear. Minor damage in the caster's clothing (e.g. fraying cuffs, small holes, minor dents in breastplate, etc.) are mended. In general, the caster appears as if they are freshly washed and dressed in neat, clean clothing.
The spell performs cosmetic repairs only; it will not repair major damage to clothing or armor. in the case of the latter, it cannot be used to restore lost Armor Points.
The caster sings an inspiring tune that grants a +2 bonus to the next Saving Throw or Skill Check attempted by the target creature.
The bonus must be applied to the first Saving Throw or Skill Check performed by the target; the target cannot "save it up" for a difficult later task in some task chain. The spell expires once the bonus has been applied to a Saving Throw or Skill Check, or when its 10 minute duration elapses.
Lesser Instrumentcraft
This is not a spell; Instrumentcraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Instrumentcraft provides the knowledge of how to create a simple musical instrument which can be used to cast spells as well as enhancing abilities when entertaining an audience.
Once formed, the instrument - which could be a simple woodwind or stringed instrument - can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells; the number is equal to 2 plus the caster's level. These spells must be "cast" into the staff; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the Lesser Instrument have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. (It is presumed that the Stamina drain occurred when the spells were charged into the instrument.)
Additionally, if the instrument is used in a performance for which its owner wishes to be paid, its use grants a +1 bonus to the CHA skill check required to determine the outcome of the performance.
Crafting a Lesser Instrument requires three full days of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity. Charging a Lesser Instrument requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual - this must also be in a Safe Environment.
The caster plays a soothing melody on a musical instrument, causing affected targets to rapidly fall into a deep slumber. This slumber lasts for the duration of the spell (1 minute plus 1 minute per caster's CHA bonus), or until an affected target is physically jostled or roused.
All creatures - including the caster's fellow party members - within the area of effect are potentially affected by the spell unless they have taken precautions (e.g. earplugs of some sort) to avoid it. Targets must be able to hear the music being played (i.e. they must have the capability to hear, and there cannot be any sound barrier, magical or otherwise, between them and the caster. Ambient noise levels in the area where the spell is being cast cannot be excessive.
All characters and creatures of lower level than the caster are automatically affected. Characters and creatures of equal or higher level than the caster are granted a WIL saving throw to avoid the effect; the DC for this saving throw is 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus, minus the difference in levels between the caster and target.
The caster sings a brief tune that causes the target creature to fly into a rage. The target's disposition immediately becomes Hostile, and the target will use its combat turns to charge at and attack the caster - ignoring any prior directives given by their superiors, and ignoring any of the caster's allies that may be between them and the source of their ire.
Targets of lower level than the caster are automatically affected. Targets of equal or higher level than the caster are granted a WIL saving throw to ignore the effect. The DC for this saving throw is 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus, minus the difference in levels between the caster and target.
(TBD) Detect Lie
(TBD) Hurtful Words
(TBD) Mute
(TBD) Sonic Shield
(TBD) Universal Language
Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to users of Tonal Magic:
Tier 0 Spells (Cantrips)
Hidden Meaning Hidden Meaning
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: See below
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: 1 target
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: 1 target
This spell allows the caster to deliver a message to a single target creature within the spell's range; the message being "hidden" within the lyrics of a song being sung by the caster. Others hearing the song will hear the caster, but will not recognize the hidden message contained within what sound like typical song lyrics.
Both the caster and the target must be within environments that permit sound to travel, and sound must be able to travel from one to the other. Thin walls or doors may not block the spell, but thick stone or other soundproofing (including magical silence zones) may. The target is selected by the caster at the beginning of the singing.
The caster may continue to deliver messages or instructions for as long as they keep continuously singing or the spell duration expires. If the caster's CHA bonus is +5 or greater, they may choose to switch targets while still singing, but only one target at a time will be able to understand the hidden message.
Inspire Confidence
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audiible
Target: See below
Duration: See below
Elements: Audiible
Target: See below
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: See below
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: See below
The caster's singing instills confidence in their nearby allies, increasing their chances of success in whatever they are attempting to do. All allies of the caster within the spell's range - but not the caster themself - receive a +1 bonus to any damage rolls or skill checks they attempt for as long as the singing continues. In the case of damage rolls, the bonus is applied as whatever type of damage the roll was generating.
In combat rounds after the initial one in which the inspirational song begins, the caster is able to continue singing to inspire confidence and provide the bonuses, but suffer a -1 penalty to any damage rolls or skill checks they attempt. (The stamina drain for casting the spell is performed only once in the round the singing commences.)
Reveal Magic
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: self
Duration: special (see below)
Elements: Audible
Target: self
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere
By producing and maintaining the correct sequence of audible tones, the caster is cause nearby magical items or spell effects to reveal themselves by means of a soft glowing aura. This glow is visible only for as long as the caster continues to emante the necessary audible tones, and is visible to any creature or character that has a line of sight to an affected item or spell effect. If multiple magic sources exist in very close proximity, their auras may overlap and make it difficult to discern precise sources.
During the round in which this spell is cast, the caster cannot make any movement, other than the slow turning in place mentioned above.
Illusions that were designed to conceal their magical nature can only be detected by this spell if the caster is of higher level than the level of the creator of the illusion at the time the illusion was created.
Sonic Ping
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: See below
Duration: Instantaneous
Elements: Audible
Target: See below
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: See below
Area of Effect: See below
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: See below
Area of Effect: See below
The caster emits an brief, audible, loud tone, and by listening carefully for return echoes, is able to obtain information about the area before them in the chosen direction. This spell can be used to determine the distance between the caster and an isolated object or creature, or to gauge the dimensions of an enclosed space, as well as an estimation of the nature of enclosing walls (rough vs smooth) and whether or not there is "clutter" (i.e. furniture, small obstacles, or enemy creatures) in the space. The number of such "clutter" items can be determined, though if it is more than 10, a "nearest 10 approximation" is the best that can be achieved.
The spell allows discernment of a space in a 90o wedge centered on the direction the caster is facing when the sound is uttered. Echoes will be returned from objects, creatures, or barriers up to 200ft (60m) away. The area must be relatively quiet; significant levels of background noise will drown out the echoes and cause the spell to fail.
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: 1 creature per CHA bonus
Duration: See below
Elements: Audible
Target: 1 creature per CHA bonus
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: See below
Area of Effect: Target creatures
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: See below
Area of Effect: Target creatures
The caster hums or sings a calming melody that relaxes the target creatures hearing it, allowing them to recover stamina or even heal injuries at an accelerated rate. The target creatures must be able to hear the caster; the number of potentially affected targets is equal to the caster's CHA bonus.
In the case of recovering stamina, targets affected by the soothing melody recover lost stamina in half the usual time. In the case of injuries, provided the target observes the usual requirements for healing injuries (e.g. Safe Environment and appropriate rest time), a second injury point can be healed in addition to the usual one. Note that in either case, the caster can never be the target of their own casting.
Trigger Emotion
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: 1 creature per CHA bonus level
Duration: 10 minutes
Elements: Audible
Target: 1 creature per CHA bonus level
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
The caster sings a song that invokes a feeling of emotion within affected targets that will alter their disposition toward the caster and their allies. An uplifting or calming song could be used to improve disposition by one step (i.e. from Neutral to Friendly, or from Unfriendly to Neutral). Alternatively an insulting, irritating ditty can be used to cause disposition to shift in the other direction (e.g. from Unfriendly to Hostile) in order to provoke an attack.
A number of target creatures equal to the caster's CHA bonus can be affected, provided they are within range of the caster and can hear the caster's singing. They do not need to be able to understand the language of the caster.
Tier 1 Spells and Abilities
Charm Shield Charm Shield
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 min (see below)
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 min (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: none
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: none
The caster's music creates an invisible barrier of magical energy protecting the character from all incoming effects of enchantments such as Command, Sleep, Suggestion, or Charm Person - any spell that potentially has a WIL save associated with it. The shield lasts for 10 minutes or until it absorbs a number of incoming spell levels equal to the CHA of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can, however, bring up Combat, Elemental, and/or Psychic Shields on subsequent turns without the Charm Shield dissipating.
If an Enchantment spell of a level greater than the remaining capacity of the Shield is cast, the Shield fails and the full effect of the incoming spell is adjudicated, but the formerly shielded target gains a +1 on any saving throw involved.
Energy Note
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: 1 target
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: 1 target
The caster generates a monotone sound which channels one of the Six Energies into a damaging burst projected at a single target creature. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.
The caster must specify a simple type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. The caster must have a line of sight to the target, and the target must be within the spell's range. The target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the spell.
Entice the Crowd
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: See Below
Duration: 1 hour
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: See Below
Duration: 1 hour
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: 15ft (7.5m)
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: 15ft (7.5m)
The caster performs a magically enhanced musical piece which is able to alter the current mood/intent of all characters within the specified area of effect. These can be either Player Characters or NPCs, but must be of a heritage/parentage/race considered "playable" in game.
Each potential target within the spell's area of effect must attempt a Willpower (WIL) save with a DC of 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus. If the save fails, the target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by one positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the targets are immune to any further attempts to magically influence their mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter their moods during this period.
If a target's WIL check succeeds, that individual's attitude remains unchanged, and they are immune to any further attempts to magically alter their attitude toward the caster for one hour. (Other, nonmagical attempts, such as those using the Diplomacy or Intimidation Acquired Specialties, can still be attempted.
This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster's language. It is not necessary for the targets to understand the caster's language in order for the spell to work, though.
The Material component for this spell is an instrument which the caster must play to evoke the magical effect. It is not consumed by the casting.
Freshen Up
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: Instantaneous
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
Upon casting this spell, any dirt, mud, or other grime that is soiling the caster's skin and clothing disappear. Minor damage in the caster's clothing (e.g. fraying cuffs, small holes, minor dents in breastplate, etc.) are mended. In general, the caster appears as if they are freshly washed and dressed in neat, clean clothing.
The spell performs cosmetic repairs only; it will not repair major damage to clothing or armor. in the case of the latter, it cannot be used to restore lost Armor Points.
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: One creature
Duration: See below
Elements: Audible
Target: One creature
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
The caster sings an inspiring tune that grants a +2 bonus to the next Saving Throw or Skill Check attempted by the target creature.
The bonus must be applied to the first Saving Throw or Skill Check performed by the target; the target cannot "save it up" for a difficult later task in some task chain. The spell expires once the bonus has been applied to a Saving Throw or Skill Check, or when its 10 minute duration elapses.
Lesser Instrumentcraft
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: See below
Target: See below
Duration: See below
Elements: See below
Target: See below
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: See below
Range: See belos
Area of Effect: See below
Trigger: See below
Range: See belos
Area of Effect: See below
This is not a spell; Instrumentcraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Instrumentcraft provides the knowledge of how to create a simple musical instrument which can be used to cast spells as well as enhancing abilities when entertaining an audience.
Once formed, the instrument - which could be a simple woodwind or stringed instrument - can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells; the number is equal to 2 plus the caster's level. These spells must be "cast" into the staff; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the Lesser Instrument have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. (It is presumed that the Stamina drain occurred when the spells were charged into the instrument.)
Additionally, if the instrument is used in a performance for which its owner wishes to be paid, its use grants a +1 bonus to the CHA skill check required to determine the outcome of the performance.
Crafting a Lesser Instrument requires three full days of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity. Charging a Lesser Instrument requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual - this must also be in a Safe Environment.
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: See below
Duration: 1 min plus 1 min/CHA bonus
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: See below
Duration: 1 min plus 1 min/CHA bonus
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30ft (9m) radius, centered on caster
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30ft (9m) radius, centered on caster
The caster plays a soothing melody on a musical instrument, causing affected targets to rapidly fall into a deep slumber. This slumber lasts for the duration of the spell (1 minute plus 1 minute per caster's CHA bonus), or until an affected target is physically jostled or roused.
All creatures - including the caster's fellow party members - within the area of effect are potentially affected by the spell unless they have taken precautions (e.g. earplugs of some sort) to avoid it. Targets must be able to hear the music being played (i.e. they must have the capability to hear, and there cannot be any sound barrier, magical or otherwise, between them and the caster. Ambient noise levels in the area where the spell is being cast cannot be excessive.
All characters and creatures of lower level than the caster are automatically affected. Characters and creatures of equal or higher level than the caster are granted a WIL saving throw to avoid the effect; the DC for this saving throw is 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus, minus the difference in levels between the caster and target.
Tier 1
Discipline: Tonal Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: Target creatures
The caster sings a brief tune that causes the target creature to fly into a rage. The target's disposition immediately becomes Hostile, and the target will use its combat turns to charge at and attack the caster - ignoring any prior directives given by their superiors, and ignoring any of the caster's allies that may be between them and the source of their ire.
Targets of lower level than the caster are automatically affected. Targets of equal or higher level than the caster are granted a WIL saving throw to ignore the effect. The DC for this saving throw is 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus, minus the difference in levels between the caster and target.