Discipline: Tonal Magic Elements: Audible, Gesture Target: self Duration: 10 min (see below)
Rarity: Common Trigger: completion of casting Range: self Area of Effect: none
The caster's music creates an invisible barrier of magical energy protecting the character from all incoming effects of enchantments such as Command, Sleep, Suggestion, or Charm Person - any spell that potentially has a WIL save associated with it. The shield lasts for 10 minutes or until it absorbs a number of incoming spell levels equal to the CHA of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can, however, bring up Combat, Elemental, and/or Psychic Shields on subsequent turns without the Charm Shield dissipating.
If an Enchantment spell of a level greater than the remaining capacity of the Shield is cast, the Shield fails and the full effect of the incoming spell is adjudicated, but the formerly shielded target gains a +1 on any saving throw involved.