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Bloodline of the Throne Archon

Descendants of the Throne Archons, Archons who ruled the settlements of Celestia, serving beneath the Tomes.
ability score increase: Your Wisdom increases by 1.
Size: Medium
parent race: Aasimar
race features:
Magic Resistance: You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Penitentiary Gaze: Any creature which isn't lawful good that meets your gaze whilst within 20ft of you, must make Charisma saving throw against your DC (5 + Proficiency + Charisma Modifier) or take 2 effects based off the alignment axis below as forms of remorse for their actions. You can use this features as a bonus action and can be done two times a day.
Law/Chaos Axis:
  • Neutral: The victim is beset by religious visions in which angelic legions berate them for straying from the true path of law and goodness. As a result, they have disadvantage until the end of their next turn.
  • Chaotic: Blistering mental hellscapes scald the victim's consciousness, causing so much psychological damage that the victim becomes exhausted gaining 1 level of exhaustion to a maximum of 5 levels of exhaustion.
Good/Evil Axis:
  • Neutral: Pangs of self-regret over past evil deeds result in blood-red psychosomatic blisters and boils. The victim takes 4d8 physic damange.
  • Evil: The victim's guilt and misery create a psychosomatic meltdown that results in painful rashes and explosive skin abrasions. The victim takes 6d8 physic damange.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

