By accident, artifice, or nature you have what some mortals have spent lives to attain: immortality (or, perhaps, such long life that outstretches any mortal race). You have lived for more than twice the time normalled allotted, and you have your measure of memories and scars to show for it. After so many years your initial origins are much less important than the wealth of experiences you have gained in the world.
A Name for Yourself Either because you have passed into legend or because you masquerade as the next member of your family line, many people recognize your name. By invoking your name you are able to secure an audience with a local noble, or influence others to believe you will act in accordance with your reputation. Additionally, you are likely to have deeply ingrained working relationships in the world - work with your DM to determine the nature of that relationship.
Immortals are so long lived in the world that they tend to carry more than the usual amount of happiness, sorrow, loss, and jubilation.