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On tiptoes, with twitching whiskers, the sociable Gattifolk approach life with enthusiasm and energy. From saints to scoundrels, whatever they value, they chase, be it material wealth, knowledge, a precious friendship, or simply a good meal and a nap. To be Gatti is to live fully, to seek out new things, and to treasure what you have.

Delightful Variety

Resembling bipedal housecats, the affable Gattifolk stand on furry paws at a height between three and four feet tall and weigh between 25 and 50 pounds. Physiques run from the stout and muscular to the lithe and slender, finished with a tail, or possibly not.
Their coats come in a variety of patterns, colors, lengths and textures, from shorthaired tabbies and calicoes to long-haired colourpoints, or even hairless! Eye colors can vary, with shades including golden brown, yellow, green and blue hues. Though unusual, it is possible for a Gatti to have two different eye colors, a trait superstitiously associated with magic.

Gregarious Neighbors

Gattifolk live lifespans close to those of Halflings, coming of age in their early twenties and living, on average, a century and a half, though some can live closer to two. They share the Halflings’ delight in the comforts of home and community but are also filled with restless energy and boundless curiosity.

Most Gattifolk communities are the result of this restlessness, as the young strike out from their old homes in search of new experiences, either taking up work that requires them to travel, or moving to a new town, typically situated near or blended in with other races and cultures.

Diligent workers when they choose to be, Gattifolk rarely leave a chosen project unfinished, putting the full force of their enthusiasm towards its completion. On the other hand, they still value their downtime. Gattifolk communities often slow to a crawl for a portion of the afternoon, as the locals tuck into a hearty midday meal and an afternoon nap.

However, this same passion has a double-edge, leading other Gattifolk to trade their simple lives for the thrill of the chase. For some, this simply means giving up a life of comfort in order to seek their fortune. For others, it is a call to a life of greed and hedonism. Be wary of the Gatti with many possessions and few close friends, as he is very likely looking to expand only one of those collections.

Inquisitive and Enthusiastic

Though the comforts of home are often difficult to abandon for many Gattifolk, they may still leave home in order to help loved ones. Alternately, they may be called to adventure by their restless nature or curiosity. Others still may strike out seeking fame or wealth.

Gattifolk Names

Gattifolk names tend to follow similar conventions to those of the Tabaxi, but in a manner that allows them to be shortened to a nickname familiar to the other races that they share space with. Members of communities that have lived with another race for a long time may also simply borrow names from their neighbours.
ability score increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2.
age: Gattifolk reach maturity in their early 20s and can live well into their second century.
Size: Small
speed: Your base walking speed is 35 feet. If you are not holding anything in your hands, you may increase your movement by 10 feet by running on all fours.
Languages: You can speak, read and write in both Common and one other language of your choice.
race features:
Darkvision. Your unique eyes rapidly adapt to differing light levels. You can see in dim light as if it were bright light up to 60 feet, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Cat’s Claws. Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 20 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Feline Nimbleness. Your flexible physique allows you to move through the space of any creature, regardless of size.
Feline Acumen. Your keen senses have helped you obtain useful information and skills. You have proficiency in one of Stealth, Perception or Insight; and for one tool or musical instrument.

Statblock Type

