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Gripilli Trapper - Forester 2

Particularly skilled snare crafters in Gripilli Communities. these foresters supplement their community's food supplies with exotic game and foraged fruits and herbs

Perception +9 Low-Light Vision
Languages Common and Upach
Skills Crafting +4 , Deception +4 , Nature +7 , Stealth +8 , Survival +7

STR +2 , DEX +4 , CON +1 , INT +0 , WIS +3 , CHA +0

Items Rungu, composite shortbow (20 arrows), padded armor, snare kit
AC 19
Saving Throws Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +7
Speed 25 feet
Rungu: +8 / +3 / -2 (Shove, Thrown 30 ft ) / Damage: Bludgeoning
Ranged composite shortbow: +10 / +5 / +0 (deadly 1d10 , propulsive, range increment 60 feet, reload 0 ) / Damage: Piercing
Special Abilities Forager While using Survival to Subsist, if the Trapper rolls a failure or a critical failure, they get a success instead. If the Trapper rolls a success, they can provide food for 4 additional creatures that eat about as much as a human, or 8 creatures on a critical success.
Gripilli Weapon Familiarity
Hunt Prey (concentrate) The poacher designates a single creature they can see and hear or one they’re Tracking as their prey. The poacher gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Seek the prey and to Survival checks to Track the prey. The first time the poacher hits the designated prey in a round, they deal an additional precision damage . The poacher also ignores the penalty for making ranged attacks within their second range increment. These effects last until the poacher uses Hunt Prey again.
Snap Tongue Gripilli The Trapper can use their tongue to deliver touch-range spells and perform extremely simple Interact actions, such as opening some types of unlocked doors.
Snare Crafting The trapper can use the Crafting skill to create the following snares: alarm snare, hampering snare, marking snare, and signaling snare. The trapper can create four snares each day without paying for the materials, using 3 Interact actions to set up each snare.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
