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Fire Ooze - CREATURE 2

Amorphous blobs born from the power of the element of fire, these oozes are usually the creations of wizards who use them to protect their lairs.
Perception +5; motion sense 60 feet, no vision
Skills Athletics +7

STR +3 , DEX -5 , CON +5 , INT -5 , WIS +1 , CHA -5

AC 8
Saving Throws Fort +11, Ref +0, Will +4
HP85 - Immunities critical hits, fire, mental, precision, unconscious - Weaknesses water 5 - Resistances cold 5
Speed 15 feet
Melee pseudopod +10 [+5/+0], Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning plus 1d4 fire
Special Abilities Burning Touch The fire ooze's attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire damage (included above). When the fire ooze successfully performs a Grapple or Shove action, they also deal 1d4 fire damage to their target.
Motion Sense A fire ooze can sense nearby motion through vibration and air movement.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
