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Name Ichika Kaneko
Handle Pixie
Role Netrunner, Solo
Role Ability Interface | Combat Awareness
Rank 5 | 3
EMP 4 / 8
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 14
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) 12
Lip Reading (INT) -
Perception (INT) 13
Tracking (INT) -
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 14
Contortionist (DEX) -
Dance (DEX) -
Endurance (WILL) -
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) 14
Stealth (DEX) 14
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) -
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 -
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) -
Riding (REF) -
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) -
Animal Handling (INT) -
Bureaucracy (INT) -
Business (INT) -
Composition (INT) -
Criminology (INT) -
Cryptography (INT) -
Deduction (INT) -
Education (INT) 10
Gamble (INT) -
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 10
English (INT) 11
Japanese (INT) 8
Library Search (INT) -
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 9
Tactics (INT) -
Wilderness Survival (INT) -
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 14
Evasion (DEX) 15
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 -
Melee Weapon (DEX) 16
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) -
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) -
Autofire (REF) x2 -
Handgun (REF) -
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 -
Shoulder Arms (REF) -
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) -
Conversation (EMP) 10
Human Perception (EMP) 8
Interrogation (COOL) -
Persuasion (COOL) 9
Personal Grooming (COOL) 5
Streetwise (COOL) -
Trading (COOL) -
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) 6
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Basic Tech (TECH) 12
Cybertech (TECH) -
Demolitions (TECH) x2 -
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 8
First Aid (TECH) 9
Forgery (TECH) -
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) 9
Paramedic (TECH) x2 -
Photography/Film (TECH) -
Pick Lock (TECH) 11
Pick Pocket (TECH) -
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Weaponstech (TECH) -
Humanity43 / 80
Hitpoints60 / 60
Death Save12
Seriously Wounded Threshold30
Critical Injuries Broken Leg
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
Excellent Quality Frame Katana 3d6 N/A 2 Melee, Frame Weapon
Excellent Quality Frame Katana 3d6 N/A 2 Melee, Frame Weapon
Excellent Quality Frame Tanto 1d6 N/A 2 Melee, Frame Weapon
Excellent Quality Frame Ōdachi 4d6 N/A 1 Melee, Frame Weapon
Excellent Quality Stickball Stick 1d6 N/A 2 Melee
Location Type SP AP
Head Bodyweight Suit 11 0
Body Light Armorjack 11 0
Shield None 0 0
Type SP AP Cost
Light Armourjack (Upgraded) 12 N/A 700
 A Light Armourjack made by Lace to have more stopping power
Bodyweight Suit 11 N/A 1000
Right Arm Data HL
Cyberarm installed 7
Cyberdeck Cyberarm Option. Cyberdeck permanently installed into the user's Cyberarm. A Cyberdeck must be provided by the user at the time of installation. In addition to never accidentally misplacing your Cyberdeck, integration into a Cyberarm gives any Cyberdeck 1 extra slot that can be used for either Programs or Hardware. This is a permanent upgrade. Attempting to uninstall the Cyberdeck from the Cyberarm breaks it beyond repair, but any Programs or Hardware on it could be easily recovered. Requires a Cyberarm and takes 3 Option Slots. Cyberdeck still requires Interface Plugs and Neural Link to be operated by the user. 5
Hardened Shielding Cyberlimb Option. Cyberlimb and installed options cannot be rendered inoperable by EMP effects, like Microwaver pulses, or Non-Black ICE Program effects. Requires Cyberarm or Cyberleg. 2
Neural Link Data HL
Interface Plugs Neuralware Option. Plugs in the wrist or head that allow user to jack into and make use of Smartguns, Cyberdecks, heavy machinery, and drive vehicles with no hands! Multiple installations allow user to be plugged into multiple things at the same time. Requires Neural Link. 7
Reflex Co-Processor Neuralware Option. Assists the Neural Link in its processing duties, freeing it up to focus entirely on enhancing the user’s reflexes. A user with a Reflex Co-Processor can dodge bullets regardless of their REF. 12
Kerenzikov Neuralware Option. Always-on Speedware that provides consistently improved reaction time. User adds +2 to their Initiative Rolls. Only a single piece of Speedware can be installed into a user at a time. Requires Neural Link. 11
Internal Cyberware Data HL
Contraceptive Implant Implant prevents undesired pregnancy N/A
Toxin Binders User adds +2 to their Resist Torture/Drugs Skill. Multiple installations of this option provide user no additional benefit. 2
Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace User increases their BODY by 2. This increase in BODY changes a Character's HP and Death Save. This cannot increase the user's BODY to 11 or higher 13
Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace User increases their BODY by 2. This increase in BODY changes a Character's HP and Death Save. This cannot increase the user's BODY to 11 or higher 14
Bodyweight AutoInjector Internal Body Cyberware. One dose of a Street Drug can be loaded into a subdermal reservoir as an Action. Once loaded, the user can take an Action to inject the Street Drug into their body. A user with a Biomonitor can program the AutoInjector to inject them with the loaded Street Drug automatically whenever they roll Initiative, receive a Critical Injury, or enter a chosen Wound State 1
Bodyweight AutoInjector Internal Body Cyberware. One dose of a Street Drug can be loaded into a subdermal reservoir as an Action. Once loaded, the user can take an Action to inject the Street Drug into their body. A user with a Biomonitor can program the AutoInjector to inject them with the loaded Street Drug automatically whenever they roll Initiative, receive a Critical Injury, or enter a chosen Wound State 3
Bodyweight AutoInjector Internal Body Cyberware. One dose of a Street Drug can be loaded into a subdermal reservoir as an Action. Once loaded, the user can take an Action to inject the Street Drug into their body. A user with a Biomonitor can program the AutoInjector to inject them with the loaded Street Drug automatically whenever they roll Initiative, receive a Critical Injury, or enter a chosen Wound State 3
Fashionware Data HL
Techhair Color-light-emitting artificial hair. Hair can optionally be temperature sensitive, motorized to extend/retract, or reactant to hormone changes in the body. A user with Chemskin and Techhair adds +2 to their Personal Grooming Skill for having both. (This bonus only applies once.) N/A
Biomonitor Subdermal implant which generates a constant LED readout of pulse, temperature, respiration, blood sugar, etc. You can link your Biomonitor to your Agent to allow it to track your wellness. N/A
Skinwatch Subdermal implant generates a constant LED readout of the current time and date visible through the skin. N/A
EMP Threading Popularized by the media sensation UR, these thin silver lines run in circuit-like patterns across the body. Many people believe they act as a "Faraday cage" to protect you from radiation and EMP effects but so far there’s no scientific backing to these claims. But they sure do look cool. Most people wear EMP Threading as a fashion statement. N/A
Light Tattoo x3 Subdermal patches store light and project colored tattoos under the skin. The larger the piece, the more installations of this fashionware you need to complete it. A user with a three or more Light Tattoo installations adds +2 to their Wardrobe & Style Skill. (This bonus only applies once.) N/A
Shift Tacts Color-changing lenses implanted into the eye. Several patterns are also available. Lenses can optionally be temperature-sensitive or reactant to hormone changes in the body. Only one choice of color and pattern can be made, but the user can deactivate the color change at any time desired without an Action. N/A
Chemskin Dyes and pigments infused into the skin to permanently change its hue, the applications of which can range from hiding blemishes to the desire for neon-green skin. Pigments can optionally be temperature-sensitive or reactant to hormone changes in the body. A user with Chemskin and Techhair adds +2 to their Personal Grooming Skill for having both. (This bonus only applies once) N/A
Borgware Data HL
Fūma Kotarō Linear Frame This linear frame can be purchased as either external or internal. In either form, while connected properly to the frame, the user increases their BODY to 12 and their Stealth Skill Checks by +2. The user can draw or sheath either the frame’s two Excellent Quality Exotic Heavy Melee Weapons or the frame’s one Excellent Quality Exotic Light Melee Weapon and one Excellent Quality Exotic Very Heavy Melee Weapon without an Action. All weapons can be successfully concealed within the frame without a Check when sheathed. When a blade is drawn, the user can’t hold anything in the same hand. This frame cannot increase the user’s BODY to 13 or higher. 15
Aliases Pixie
Improvement Points 95 / 1300
Reputation 2: Stories have gotten around to immediate friends.
Reputation events Assault on high value Arasaka convoy Defended a night market from Arasaka raid
Role specific lifepath She's a freelancer who normally works alone. Her workspace is a bit all over her living space, with wires and computer parts strewen about. She has a local fixer who finds her clients for a small percent of the income. She gets her hardware from some Arasaka warehouses which she left a backdoor for herself in after a job had her hacking into there. Her old boss, a booster gang leader called Ripper, wants her back and it's not a request
Addictions Synthcoke (-2 REF)
Fashion Asia Pop: Bottoms, Top, Jacket, Footwear (Lace Snazzy)
Leisurewear: Bottoms, Top, Hat
Generic Chic: Bottoms, Top, Jacket, Footwear
Gear Agent
Generic Chic (Top, Bottoms, Footwear)
Bag Lady Chic Disguise (Top, Bottoms, Jacket)
Virtuality Goggles
Radiation Suit
Spare Stickball Stick
Bodyweight Suit (Extra Slot Upgrade)
Upgraded Light Armourjack
Spare Light Armourjack Helmet
Kevlar Helmet
Radio Communicator
Smart Glasses
-Targeting Scope
Smart Boots
StarO.S V1.1 Cyberdeck (Excellent Quality) (Installed in arm) (Slots 9 +1 +2)
-Insulated Wiring
-KRASH Barrier*
-Poison Flatline Program
-Speedy Gonzolez
Net Architecture
-Control Node (Mini Air Drone, Kamikaze Drone x2)
-Control Node (Swarm Cloud Drone)
Mini Air Drone
Swarm Cloud Drone (destroyed)
Kamikaze Drone (destroyed)
Kamikaze Drone (destroyed)
Blank Memory Chip x3
Lockpicking Set
Medtech Bag
Timewarp x1
Synthcoke x1 (Autoinjector)
Sixgun x1
Black Lace x0 (Autoinjector)
Berserker x0
Prime Time x1
Smash x1
LW Drug Canister
AP Grenade x0
Security Grenade x2
Smoke Grenade x2
Cash 5875
Housing Shipping Container
Rent 1000
Lifestyle Kibble
Notes Humanity Restored: 79
Unmarked Humanity Loss: 14
Ablation: -10 (Bodyweight Suit)
Ablation: -5 (Light Armorjack+)
Cultural Origins
East Asian
Silly and fluff-headed
Clothing Style
Asia Pop
Never without
Blue contact lenses
Wild Colours
Value Most
Feeling about people
People are wonderful!
Most valued person
All my friends
Most valued possession
Photo of family
Family Background
Corporate Managers
Childhood Environment
In a decaying, once upscale neighborhood, now holding off the boosters to survive.
Family Crisis
Parents died in the Night City bombing
Tragic Love Affairs
Maria (It just didn't work out)
Life Goals
Take revenge on Militech for what they did
Jonas (Childhood Friend)
Ripper (Booster gang leader)
Copyright © 2020 by R. Talsorian Games, Inc., Cyberpunk is a registered trademark of CD Projekt Red S.A.
Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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Cyberpunk RED

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