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Homebrew based on Cyberpunk 2077

Gorilla Arms



Augmentation, Body, Limiter   These arm implants drastically increase damage of unarmed strikes. The default version deals an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit. This damage is additional to the damage you would normaly roll for an unarmed strike. For other damage types see modifications.   Modifications Gorilla Arms can be customized. Gorilla Arms ship with durable steel knuckles by default. Damage values in this stat-block are in accordance to the default version. It is possible to combine modifications in case both arms a improved with Gorilla Arms. This way, both arms don't have to be of the same modification. Strength Checks Gorilla Arms add +2 strength modifier for strength checks performed with your arms.   Technological Limit This augmentation is an implant for your body. There is a technological limit of five body augmentations at once for an augmented human. This limit is increased to six for droids.   Limiter You can increase the damage output with: Override Limiter

Type Damage Damage Range
None 1d4 Bludgeoning 1 m

Cost: 150.000 Eurodollar
Weight: 6 kg

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Statblock Type

