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Energy Spark
Tier 1

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: touch
Area of Effect: none

The caster focuses one of the elemental energies into a strike delivered by an unarmed melee combat strike. The amount of damage done done is by rolling a single d4, but no rerolls (explodes) are done when 4's are rolled. The caster chooses which energy to invoke at the time of casting; the nature of the damage done varyies depending on the energy chosen:
  • Earth - the blow strikes with the hardness of stone. One point of the specified damage is taken as Direct Bludgeoning Damage; the rest is bludgeoning damage applied to Stamina Points as usual. In addition, the target must make a DEX save against a DC of 8 plus the caster's level or be knocked prone.
  • Fire - a tongue of fire emanating from the caster's fist or foot engulfs the target. One point of the specified damage is taken as Direct Fire Damage; the rest is bludgeoning damage applied to Stamina Points as usual. In addition, the target must spend their next combat action dousing the flame or take an additional 1 point of Direct Fire Damage at the end of their combat turn.
  • Air - a sonic blast strikes the target, doing bludgeoning damage. Any cloudlike effect (dust, poison gas, etc.) surrounding the target is immediately dispersed. In addition, the target must make a CON save against a DC of 8 plus the caster's level or be Befuddled for their next combat turn.
  • Water - water splashes over the target from the strike's impact point, doing bludgeoning damage. If the target is suffering persistent damage effects from either Fire or Acid, these are immediately dispersed. In addition, the target must make a CON save against a DC of 8 plus the caster's level or be Blinded for their next combat turn.

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