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Threshen - Construct 6

Threshen by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
This lumbering trunk of a tree like creature has no real describable facial features baring two simple carved eye spots within which sit two glowing pieces of quartz that seem to act as its eyes. Its arms are melded nettle vines that are held to its trunk like body by some strange magick or esoteric science, and it walks upon part of what you can only imagine would have been the tree's root system, the roots now spiraled together to form two leg like appendages. The trunk like body itself has a thorny lattice, not unlike the stems and shoots of rose bushes, growing over it in a checkered weave like pattern, the thorny covering helping give it its name for what it does to anyone fool enough to touch it or engage it in melee.
Perception 1d20+11
Languages Whichever Language the rituals to craft them in were done, but cannot speak, and only understands words spoken by the one holding its control glyphstone
Skills Stealth: 1d20+10

STR +6 , DEX +1 , CON +5 , INT - , WIS +1 , CHA -3

AC 24
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+13 , Ref 1d20+1 , Will 1d20+9 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+14 , Logic Save (Intelligence): Immune, Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-3
HP78 6d12+36 - Immunities Poison Damage, Psychic Damage, Charm Effects, any other mind altering ability or effect. - Weaknesses Weakness (4) Fire, -4 Penalty to saves against the Ablaze condition - Resistances Resist (5): Bludgeoning, Piercing, Cold, Thunder, Necrotic and Radiant damages
Speed 25 feet
Melee Melee, Slam: 1d20+16 to hit. 1d10+6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 poison damage.
Special Abilities Hardened Body (4): Threshen's are made from moderately tough materials and have 4 points of natural armor.   Mindless: As a mere simple construct built and created with but one real set of directives, the creature is without a proper mind in the sapient sense. Though it can magically accept orders from its master or mistress that holds its control gem (a hunk of jade, etched with emerald dust) the creature cannot truly understand the spoken word. It is incapable of independent thought or function and as such it is immune to any effects, spells or abilities that would target its Intelligence score (force it to make an Logic Save). Such things simply have no effect upon this creature.   Resistant to Magick: As with most constructs, this creature has an inherent resistance to the arcane. It gets +2 to any Saving Throws against any spell/Prayer effects, abilities or otherwise.   Rooted Recovery 2d6 : Threshen are sentinels most commonly for the territory of a Forest Hag or other such creatures, such as a dryad conclave, or even for apostate covens whom see themselves as druids, old protectors of the woodlands. Regardless of the master, this creature is quite neutral and will only move or attack if bothered or if the parameters for such behavior set by its controller are met. Otherwise it will stay rooted to one spot appointed by its controller. Every round a Threshen does not move, it recovers wounds equal to a roll of its Rooted Recovery Dice.   Manna Sensitivity: Threshens have an inbuilt alarm system as most constructs do, to detect arcane activity. Theirs is automatic and accurate out to 30 feet from their physical form and grants them +4 to Perception out to 200 feet.   Rose-thorn Whip Snares: This is an inbuilt reaction of these constructs, one that is programmed by the complex magicks, sciences and esoteric compounds used to make them. Usually they are to be used against specific circumstances, such as a creature attempting to move beyond a certain marked area, or into a place within reach, or perhaps if a creature tries to disengage adn flee from the Threshen. They can also be programmed to react to things like attempts to weave arcane magick, or call upon divine prayer. The Threshen can only react 1/round as any normal creature. These whips have a range of 30 feet and the Threshen can only have up to two medium size creatures or smaller snagged at once. To snag a large size creature takes both whips as one reaction. These whips are rolled at +14 to the attack and deal 1d6+6 piercing damage, and Immobilize and Grapple a creature struck, requiring a DC 21 Power Save or Athletics to escape. Alternatively a creature can take all three actions to saw through the whip with a slashing weapon that has the Light quality to free itself, though it will take 1d4 points of piercing damage each round if it moves from the still embedded part of the thorn whip wrapped around it. Removing this requires a Medical roll of 15 or more and 2 actions.   Fungal Breath: 15 feet cone. This breath weapon is fungal spore clouds that when inhaled harm creatures in the area. Any creatures that breath in the affected area must make a Fortitude Save against DC 21. Failure results in taking 3d6 poison damage and gaining the Toxic (2) condition. Critical failure sees a creature inflicted with Toxic (4) condition. Success sees a creature take half damage and Toxic (1) and critical success means no damage or conditions. This takes 1d4 rounds to recharge.   Entangling Presence: The area around a Threshen seems to have thicker vegetation, more aggressive. It counts as difficult terrain to move through any area within 30 feet of a Threshen.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  Constructs are limited by the creature that made it, and their creativity within the limited medium they may use. In this case its plant matter. A threshen as presented here does not need to be the only version of such a thing. Perhaps a Forest Hag in your story instead of mere vines grew two vicious man eater venus fly trap like plants and put these on as arms. This is something that could be done. Perhaps more eldritch magicks and emerald manna were used, even storing emeralds in its wooden body that can be activated by its own essence in response to complex protocols and situations. A skilled enough craftsperson in building such a construct could do such a thing. The difficult thing to qualify is the EL of the creature when you apply such modifications, so consider carefully the sort of power boosts you are giving it and what sort of EL you are aiming for/your party's level when advancing and altering such a creature.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
