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Stone-Nosed Wombat - Animal Arcanium 2

Of the three members of the Wombat family found in the dry arid regions of the Teeth of the World, all along the shared borderlands of Valewyr, Rohara and Susma on the continent of Gavis-Lune, the rarest of the them are the elusive Stone-Nosed Wombat. This is in large part because of its unique diet, as well as its near full time subterranean habits. This member of the wombat family finds nutrition amongst the mineral deposits within the region, capable of feeding on various minerals that naturally occur, and garnering nutritional value from them, in combination with feeding on the roots of the various deep rooted cacti type plants that make up the only flora in the Teeth of the World, utilizing them for the way they store water to garner what hydration and other valuable nutrients it needs. Its metabolism is a marvel, seeming to take raw minerals and the vitamin rich waters from the cacti roots and as part of its digestion, mixes those to form the various compounds it would need to sustain life. It garners its name from its strange snout, which has a protruding sort of 'tooth' that is a deep amber color, and is extremely tough, that also seems to be a sort of conduit for some earth related powers the creature possesses, illuminating briefly with a bright topaz flash whenever the creature utilizes these abilities
Perception 1d20+9 (+11 if Tremor Sense applies, or if Geomancy Sensitivity applies. +13 if both apply)
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+7 , Intimidation: 1d20+5 , Stealth: 1d20+6 , Survival: 1d20+5

STR +3 , DEX +2 , CON +4 , INT -5 , WIS +1 , CHA +1

AC 18
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+8 , Ref 1d20+2 , Will 1d20+5 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+7 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20-5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20+1
HP 2d8+12 20 - Immunities Immune to Thunder Damage, Immune to Geomancy Magick - Weaknesses Weakness (2) Radiant - Resistances Resist (2) Poison
Speed 20 feet, 40 feet burrow speed
Melee Bite Attack: 1d20+6 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing damage.   Claw Attack: 1d20+5 to hit, 1d4+2 slashing damage  
Special Abilities Light Sensitivity: They treat daylight/bright light as normal creatures treat darkness, they struggle greatly with illumination due to being a basically full subterranean animal.   Sandblast: A Stone-Nose Wombat can utilize this ability to effectively replicate the geomancy spell-form Sandblast of the same name with its unique horn-tooth 1/day. Reflex Save DC 17. It is Tier I   Tremor Sense: 60 feet, +2 to perception when tremorsense could apply.   Tough Hide (2): Natural Armor Score boost of +2, already accounted for on its AC   Geomancy Sensitivity: +2 to Perception if something within 100 feet has used Geomancy Magick   Stone-cracking Bite: Though it may be small, a Stone Nosed Wombat's bite is ferocious, capable of tracking rocks and different ores. If they score a critical hit with a bite attack on a target wearing metal armor of any kind successfully, that armor reduces its AC boost by 1 until it can be repaired, its structural integrity on some component compromised.   Detect Mineral: Stone-Nosed Wombats have a unique almost magnetic or elemental sensitivity to the various minerals and metallic ores that make up the majority of their diet, their horn-tooth basically acts as a divining rod for these substances within a distance of up to 1/2 a mile, even through solid earth or stone.   Domhan Blessed Burrower: Via the vibrations and magickal attuned energy of Domhan within their horn-tooth, they can burrow through even the densest rock, their horn seeming to soften in ahead of them in a cone of sorts.   Baby Pouch: Female Stone-Nosed Wombats with a baby are treated as if Aggressive if cornered, with maximum DC, because their young are always present, in their rear facing pouch.   Fertile Cube Waste: Interestingly enough, due to their mineral and metallic diet, Stone-Nosed Wombats was products, whilst small cube shaped, like all fellow wombats, are actually generally a cube of some sort of mineral salt substance, and are oft harvested as a seasoning or perservative.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
