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Ankylosaur - Saurus 6

Reacting to your presence negatively, the creature bellows and snorts, pivoting its massive frame faster than you'd think something so heavy could move, its heavy club like tail crashing through some of the brush and shrubs and flying towards you viciously.
  Powerful armored dinosaurs, Ankylosaurs are obligate herbivores, however they are known to be ornery, and vicious if they perceive any sort of threat.
Perception 1d20+12
Languages N/A

STR +7 , DEX +0 , CON +4 , INT -4 , WIS +2 , CHA +1

Items N/A
AC 26
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+16 , Ref 1d20+10 , Will 1d20+12 , Power Save: 1d20+18 , Logic Save: 1d20+4 , Ego Save: 1d20+9
Speed 25 feet
Melee Tail Club: Reach (15 feet), Backswing (+1 on the next attack attempt if you miss), Punishing Tail. 1d20+17 . Deals 2d8+7 bludgeoning damage.   Foot: Reach (10 feet) 1d20+17 to hit, deal 2d6+7 bludgeoning damage.   Trample (Only works on medium or smaller, foot, DC 24 Reflex Save): The Ankylosaur moves up to double its speed through spaces of creatures of the sizes denoted in ability. Creatures in the path of this roll a Reflex Save, on a critical fail they take double damage, on a failure they take full damage, on a success they take half damage, on a critical success, they avoid the effect entirely but are displaced outside the creature's path in the nearest safe direction. Damage is equal to the the listed strike (foot) damage. The movement of Trample cannot provoke reactions from creatures whom fall into the listed size categories for this ability.
Special Abilities Scent: 30 feet, +2 Perception   Tough Hide (8): +8 natural armor, Ankylosaurs are bulky, tough creatures and their thick dermic layer and body armor is a big part of that.   Low-Light Vision: Can see in the dark well   Stubborn: Ankylosaurs are not slow but they are no sprinters or distance runners and they seen to instinctually know this and thusly they are not keen to flee a confrontation, believing running will simply make them more vulnerable, at least not without landing some blows with their tail first. They have +2 to saves against any effects like Fear that would make them desire to flee.   Intimidating Display: Ankylosaurs low bellows, the the smashing and crashing of their tail club is an intimidating sight. When they initially begin such a display, any creature that isn't an Ankylosaur or an Iguanadont must attempt a Will Save against DC 24. If a creature critically succeeds, they are entirely unaffected by this display. If a creature succeeds, they are Frightened (1). If they fail, they become Frightened (2), and if they critically fail they become Frightened (3)   Piercing Body Armor: With any unarmed or natural attack (like bites, unarmed strikes, etc) where the assailant doesn't critically hit, they take 1d10 piercing and slashing damage. If they critically miss with that sort of melee attack they actually take critical damage from this trait.   Punishing Tail: A creature struck by an ankylosaur tail must attempt a DC 24 Fortitude Save. If failed, the creature becomes Stunned (1), if critically failed they become Stunned (3).

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
