Str 14 , Dex 16 , Con 14 , Int 15 , Wis 10 , Cha 10 ,
Base Attack: BAB +2 CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Dagger)
Skills: Acrobatics +7 , Appraise +6 , Bluff +4 , Climb +6 , Craft (Fletching) +8 , Diplomacy +4 , Disable Device +9 , Disguise +5 , Escape Artist +8 , Intimidate +4 , Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5 , Knowledge (local) +6 , Linguistics +6 , Perception +6 , Perform (Dancing) +4 , Profession (Fence) +4 , Sense Motive +4 , Sleight of Hand +9 , Stealth +9 , Swim +6 , Use Magic Device +5 ,
Languages: Common, Thieves Cant
SQ: Assault Leader- Once per day, when the rogue misses with an attack on a flanked opponent, she can designate a single ally who is also flanking the target that her attack missed. That ally can make a single melee attack against the opponent as an immediate action.