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Weak Dancing Siren Initiate - NPC 1

These bardic dancers are the most junior members of the Siren's Troope
Perception +3 low-light vision
Languages Common, Elvish, Aquan, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +4 , Athletics +2 , Deception +7 Diplomacy +7 , Medicine +3 , Occult +5 , Performance +7 , Stealth +4

STR +0 , DEX +2 , CON +1 , INT +2 , CHA +4

Items Money- 9 gp, 2 sp Armor- Studded Leather Armor Weapons- 20 Sling Bullets, Dagger , Rapier, Sling Gear- Bandolier , Sheath
AC 17
Saving Throws Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Speed 30 ft
Melee Rapier +5 , Damage 1d6 Piercing;
Ranged Sling +5 , Damage 1d4 Blugeoning
Spells Spontanious Occult Spells DC 17
+7 Cantrips Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Read Aura First Level- 2 per day Color Spray, Illusory Disguise, Composition Spells Focus Points- 2 Counter Performance, Lingering Composition Composition Cantrips Inspire Courage

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
