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Summoner Servant: Berserker

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d12 per Summoner Servant: Berserker level
Hit Points at first Level: 12
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1D12 (Or 7)+Constitution mod


Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy Armor, and shields
Weapons: All Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
  • Athletics
  • Intimidation
  • Survival

Class Features


Before hitting level 2, the servant is relatively simple. The servant has its own looks and personality, can use simple weapons, and is first summoned wearing either studded leather or scale mail. Its starting weapon can either be a shortbow with 20 arrows, 2 Handaxes, or a spear and shield. Because the servant is still very much a physical being, it can use other types of gear that it might want to use. They also have a set standard array for their sheet: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8.

Subclass Options

Berserker's Rage

If you choose to have your servant become a berserker at 1st level, they become a powerful destructive force. They gain the following abilities:
  • Rage: As a bonus action, you can enter a state of extreme bloodlust. This effect lasts for 1 minute and allows several things to happen. While raging, all melee attacks deal an extra die of damage, you gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and get advantage on all strength and constitution checks and saves. You have a number of Rages per day equal to your proficiency bonus. Raging beyond the limit uses 1 mana point from your master.
  • Mad Enhancement: While in combat, if you start your turn with 50% or less of your max HP, make a DC-8 Wisdom save. On a failed save, you must move towards and attack the nearest creature.

Unarmored Defense

Your AC, when you're not wearing armor, is 12+ Dex + Con mod.  

Battle Continuation

At level 2, you can use your bonus action to give yourself THP equal to 1D10+Berserker level. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Summoner's spellcasting modifier and all uses reset after a long rest.

Valorous Fighting

At 3rd level, while raging, you can make an attack with a bonus action as long as you've used your action to attack. If you're dual-wielding melee weapons, you can add your ability modifier to the offhand weapon's attack.  


At 4th level, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you an attack twice when taking the attack action. However, if there's more than one enemy within melee range, your second attack must be used to attack a different creature.  

Raging Charge

Also at 5th level, when you activate your Rage, you can use the same bonus action to dash up to 30ft. If your Rage is activated outside of your turn (Mad Enhancement II), you instead move 30ft in a straight line using your reaction.

Reckless Attack

At 6th level, you can trade off defense for offense. You can give yourself advantage on melee attacks for the round at the cost of all other creatures having advantage attacking you.


At 7th level, while raging, you heal back HP equal to 1+Con Mod.

Major Crusher

At 10th level, your berserker's Noble Phantasm improves into a more powerful version: Major Crusher. Upon activation, your servant enters Turbulent Rage like previously. However, they can now initiate a special attack on someone to deal major amounts of damage. If the servant lands this special attack, the target is incapacitated and will be dealt 4D8 magical damage. Every turn, your servant can use its action to instantly deal damage against the target. However, if the servant uses Major Crusher on a target, they themselves can be attacked with advantage. Once a successful Major Crusher attack ends, they can not use the ability again until the next time their Noble Phantasm is activated.

Barrier of War

At 13 level, the berserker servant's body begins to magically live off of being in the battlefield. When raging, if you servant reduces an enemy creature to 0 HP, the you gain 25 THP. The THP goes away once the you stop raging.

Armor of the Demi-Gods

At 20th level, your berserker servant's Noble Phantasm evolves into its most powerful form: Armor of the Demi-Gods. Once activated, your servant gains all the features from Turbulent Rage and Major Crusher. On top of those, your servant has the ability to stay alive even when their HP drops to 0. They also gain a special counter-style attack. On their turn, they can enter a stance where they do not attack, but rather prepare for one. Until the start of their next turn, all damage they take will accumulate. On their next turn, when they land a melee attack, all of taken damage is retransferred back into that one attack. If they miss, the accumulated damage points go away. This effect lasts for up to 5 minutes.

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Statblock Type

Class Features
