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Unerring Missive

Sends letters on a wind-guided journey to their recipient.

Evocation / Divination / Abjuration \ \ Wind
Bard 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3, Witch 3-level
Save: none (harmless)
SR: no

Casting time: 1 minute
Range: letter touched
Duration: permanent or until delivered
Effect: magical gust of wind transporting the letter
Componenent: S,V,F (a silver figurine of a postman or carrier bird worth at least 10 gp)


Pioneered by Onguran wizards who found pigeons and ravens too unreliable to carry important letters, this spell creates constant gusts of wind that pick up the target letter and transport it at high altitudes towards the intended recipient. The letter is protected from water while in transit. Due to natural winds and other circumstances, the letters travel (1d6+6)*10 kilometers per day (roll every day until arrival). Arrival is usually directly into the hand of the recipient, but is up to the caster. For example, some pranksters choose the face as the location of arrival.   This spell can only transport nonmagical letters containing at most two standard pages of parchment or vellum. If the letter's recipient is protected from divination spells, the spell either fails or transports the letter to a false destination, depending on the spell. If the recipient becomes nonlocatable during transit, the letter is returned to sender. If the recipient is in a closed room, the letter is usually able to fit through narrow slits to arrive safely. If no such opening is available, the wind presses the letter against a door or window closest to the recipient until it is opened.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

