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Ixtal Human

Hidden within the deep jungles and sprawling wilds is the land of Ixtal. East of Shurima, Ixtal stayed hidden for millennia, observing the happenings on Runeterra and choosing to stay isolated. Instead, Ixtali civilization, technology, and social hierarchy has developed in accord with the area’s potent elemental magic.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
age: The markers of adulthood vary by the cultures of Runeterra, but it is generally agreed that humans are adults by their late teen years. They typically live up to a century.
alignment: Usually neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Va-Nox , Ixtal
parent race: Human
race features:
Racial feat
Choose 2 feats from the Racial Feat List.

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Statblock Type

