Encounter 2.2.2a: Poachers in the Forest
Ask for Perception rolls. If anyone meets a DC15...
The Party Spots Something
If the party investigates...
Let the party free the creature. Looking around further, there are three more such nets set up in the nearby area.
If the party attempts to move closer, and succeed in Stealth checks against DC16, they will get close enough to hear the poachers, who are sitting around their camp chatting at the moment.
Encounter for Party of 5
Encounter for Party of 6
Statblocks for combat
(Only for Party of 6 or more...)
After the combat is over...
Loot Recovered by Party of 4
The treasure consists of the following:
Loot Recovered by Party of 5
The treasure consists of the following:
Loot Recovered by Party of 6
The treasure consists of the following:
Reminder on Identifying Magic
Read Aura is a Cantrip that tells the caster whether a particular item being handled is magical or not, and if it is, what school of magic is involved (Enchantment, Abjuration, etc.). High level illusions can block this effect.
Identify Magic is a skill check that theoretically anybody Trained in the appropriate magical tradition can use to determine what a magical item is. It is necessary to have definitively determined that an item is magical before this skill can be applied. This determination can be made either via Read Aura, or prior certain knowledge. For example, a rune carved on a blade that looks much like a rune on a player's own blade can be "known to be magical" for this purpose.
Magical Item Statblocks
The Party Spots Something
The underbrush in this part of the forest is filled with flowering laurel shrubs. The flowers are coming into bloom, but it's the strange glint of something else that catches your eye. At first, you think, "spiderweb", but it's too... square... for that.
If the party investigates...
As you get closer , you realize you're looking at a very fine silk net stretched in front of a laurel shrub, and as you approach it, you actually see a tiny sprite fly toward the flowers on the shrub and get caught up in the net. The netting falls to the ground from the tugging of the struggling fey, further trapping it.
Let the party free the creature. Looking around further, there are three more such nets set up in the nearby area.
No more than a half-hour later, you detect the faint smell of a campfire being brought your way by a breeze blowing at you from the north (the direction you're traveling.
If the party attempts to move closer, and succeed in Stealth checks against DC16, they will get close enough to hear the poachers, who are sitting around their camp chatting at the moment.
As you creep closer, you hear sounds of conversation from up ahead. As you slink just close enough to make out the speech, this is what you hear:
First voice: "...that's it... pin em down and snip off the wings..."
there is a sound of a muffled thud
First voice: "...no, you arsehole! now that one's wasted entirely... that's 5 gold worth of dirt falling through your fingers now..."
Second voice: "but... i just wanted ter knock it out. it was wigglin' too much."
First voice: "ye can't thump 'em like that. Ye likely broke its neck. You just hold 'em down firm and *snip*... like that."
The sound of very high pitched howling is heard as the word snip was said.
First voice: "Then ya put 'em back in the cage. 5 gold... that easy. Now grab one of those other ones and get it right this time. And you... Jonas... go check the nets one more time and see if we got any more to process. I want to get out of here in the morning."
You now hear shuffling, and a muffled, "OK", followed by the sounds of bushes being brushed aside. Jonas is headed in your direction.
Roll for Initiative.
Encounter for Party of 4
First voice: "...that's it... pin em down and snip off the wings..."
there is a sound of a muffled thud
First voice: "...no, you arsehole! now that one's wasted entirely... that's 5 gold worth of dirt falling through your fingers now..."
Second voice: "but... i just wanted ter knock it out. it was wigglin' too much."
First voice: "ye can't thump 'em like that. Ye likely broke its neck. You just hold 'em down firm and *snip*... like that."
The sound of very high pitched howling is heard as the word snip was said.
First voice: "Then ya put 'em back in the cage. 5 gold... that easy. Now grab one of those other ones and get it right this time. And you... Jonas... go check the nets one more time and see if we got any more to process. I want to get out of here in the morning."
You now hear shuffling, and a muffled, "OK", followed by the sounds of bushes being brushed aside. Jonas is headed in your direction.
Roll for Initiative.
The encounter will involve a Poacher Lieutenant (Gadwyn Staunton), and three Weak Poachers - one named Jonas is leaving camp. The party has a chance to ambush Jonas if they react quickly and wisely. That will leave only two in camp to deal with.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
Encounter for Party of 5
The encounter will involve a Poacher Lieutenant (Gadwyn Staunton), two Poachers and a Weak Poachers named Jonas who is leaving camp. The party has a chance to ambush Jonas if they react quickly and wisely. That will leave only two in camp to deal with.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
Encounter for Party of 6
The encounter will involve a Poacher Lieutenant (Gadwyn Staunton), and three Poachers - one named Jonas is leaving camp. The party has a chance to ambush Jonas if they react quickly and wisely. That will leave only two in camp to deal with.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
If the Lieutenant is captured or killed, the others will either flee or surrender.
Statblocks for combat
Gadwyn Staunton (Poacher Lieutenant) - NPC 2
The Poacher Lieutenant is a little more "criminal" than most of the gang -- this is somebody that made a conscious decision to make a living out of illegally hunting - and to recruit others into the profession as well. Gadwyn Staunton is a classic example of this. He arrived in Spirit Lake with few skills and even less money. After supporting himself with occasional day labor, he was approached by Georgi Amaricson one evening as he spent his last coins in Gimna's Palace. Since he rapidly proved himself capable of managing a couple other miscreants such as himself, he gained the trust of Amaric, Wayne Colifer, Amaric's father Duncan, and was let in on the inner workings of the poaching ring. | |
Perception | +8 |
Languages | Common |
Skills | Athletics+9, Crafting+6, Deception+5, Intimidation+5, Stealth+8, Survival+9 |
STR +4 , DEX +1 , CON +3 , INT +1 , WIS +2 , CHA +0 | |
Items | Dagger, Shortsword, Leather Armor +1, Bracers of Missile Deflection (and possibly Crossbow, 10 bolts) |
AC | 17 |
Saving Throws | Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +9 |
HP | 23 |
Speed | 25 feet |
Melee | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ranged | ![]() ![]() |
Special Abilities | Bracers of Missile Deflection: As a ![]() |
If Gadwyn is surprised in camp, he will not have access to his Crossbow, which is currently in his tent. If, however, he responds to noise or commotion going on outside the camp, he will retrieve it before going to investigate. |
Jonas Talcrin (Poacher) - NPC 1
Common poachers tend to be downtrodden members of society just looking to make some coin any way they can - and for whatever reason they've been unable to find a "respectable" job. Jonas Talcrin is a typical example. He came to Spirit Lake from the Northern Frontier lands looking for a way to make a fortune, and quickly fell in with Georgi Amaricson and got recruited to the Poaching ring. He tends to be lazy, but he does what he's told. | |
Perception | +6 |
Languages | Common |
Skills | Athletics+7, Crafting+3, Stealth+6, Survival+7 |
STR +4 , DEX +1 , CON +3 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA +0 | |
Items | Dagger, Sling, 20 bullets, Leather Armor |
AC | 15 |
Saving Throws | Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7 |
HP | 15 |
Speed | 25 feet |
Melee | ![]() ![]() |
Ranged | ![]() |
Jonas will most likely be encountered outside camp, and in a surprise situation. In this case, he will likely resort to his dagger for melee immediately. In the event he has the opportunity to prepare for combat from distance, though, he will use his sling first. |
Edwich Waltrim (Poacher) - NPC 1
Common poachers tend to be downtrodden members of society just looking to make some coin any way they can - and for whatever reason they've been unable to find a "respectable" job. Edwich Waltrim is a rather large, but rather simple individual. He is good natured, always concerned about whether or not other Folk will be his friend, but he is often taken advantage of and jokes behind his back about his lack of intelligence are common in the village of Spirit Lake. He was persuaded to join the poaching operation easily by Georgi Amaricson, who explained that it was a "secret game" that he and others were playing. Edwich suspects that there's something wrong about what he is doing, and sometimes feels bad about it, but he is easily goaded into continuing in the group in order to remain "accepted". | |
Perception | +6 |
Languages | Common |
Skills | Athletics+8, Crafting+3, Stealth+6, Survival+7 |
STR +4 , DEX +1 , CON +3 , INT -1 , WIS +2 , CHA +0 | |
Items | Dagger, Sling, 20 regular bullets, 10 Shining Ammunition, Leather Armor |
AC | 15 |
Saving Throws | Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7 |
HP | 15 |
Speed | 25 feet |
Melee | ![]() ![]() |
Ranged | ![]() ![]() |
If Edwich is responding to commotion outside the camp, he will use his sling to fight at range until this is no longer an option. He will not use his Shining Ammunition. If surprised in camp, he will melee. He will have no hesitation about pulling his dagger on an non-Human and/or non-Elven character. But others, he will Grapple. |
Horace Malfin (Poacher) - NPC 1
Common poachers tend to be downtrodden members of society just looking to make some coin any way they can - and for whatever reason they've been unable to find a "respectable" job. Horace Malfin is a typical example. Born in Karnstown, he spent some fruitless time gold prospecting in the mountains to the east before giving it up and finding his way to Spirit Lake. Here, he fell in with Georgi Amaricson and got recruited to the Poaching ring. He can be rather nasty and brutal. | |
Perception | +6 |
Languages | Common |
Skills | Athletics+8, Crafting+3, Stealth+6, Survival+7 |
STR +4 , DEX +1 , CON +3 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA -1 | |
Items | Dagger, Sling, 20 bullets, Leather Armor |
AC | 15 |
Saving Throws | Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7 |
HP | 15 |
Speed | 25 feet |
Melee | ![]() ![]() |
Ranged | ![]() ![]() |
If Horace responds to out-of-camp commotion with his lieutenant, he will start combat by using his sling at range for as long as possible before drawing his dagger for melee. If surprised in camp, he will go to the dagger immediately, regardless of his attacker. |
After the combat is over...
In the camp, you find three cages that contain very frightened, but intact pixies. You also find a fourth cage that contains 3 lethargic, wingless specimens. There are what looks like two fresh piles of dirt near one of the logs set around the campfire - the sprout of a new plant seems to be poking out of one of these, and if you watch it for a few minutes, you're sure you can see it growing.
Attempting to investigate any survivors will depend on who survived. If any of the poachers survived and are questioned...
Attempting to investigate any survivors will depend on who survived. If any of the poachers survived and are questioned...
- they will initially deny knowing anything about the ringleader...
- either of subordinates will express great fear at being turned over to the Elves now that they're caught. They beg to either be set free - they'll leave town and never return - or at worst be brought to the village and turned over to the Elders. He's heard things about elven punishments - though nothing specific - and has no desire to learn more firsthand. Daryl will not be so cowardly.
- they will reveal that they were to bring their "catch" to the keg basement of Gimna's palace using the outside back door, and to leave the catch in the "room behind the barrels"...
- if asked specifically, they will reveal that it was Georgi Amaricson that told them to do this. Georgi is the chief bartender at Gimna's, and is responsible for the keg cellar. He is also the son of one of the village Elders - Amaric Duncanson who runs the general store,
Loot Recovered by Party of 4
Inspecting your fallen/restrained foes, you find:
- One poacher (Gadwyn Staunton, the lieutenant), has a shortsword with an intricately carved etching at the base of the blade. It looks just like the rune you had transferred onto your weapon.
- Gadwyn is also wearing a set of shiny metal bracers on his forearms - a metal that doesn't quite look like steel to you, and you can see intricate etching on those as well.
- One of the other poachers has a pouch filled with slingstones, but 10 of these stones are a bit strange. First of all, they are glowing slightly. They also appeared to be coated by some gummy substance, giving them a soft, sticky skin. Pulling one out requires that you almost peel it away from the others.
- In one of the tents, you find a stoppered vial of a bright ruby-red liquid in somebody's backpack.
- Another backpack holds a rolled-up parchment with mystical writing on it.
- Finally, among the three, you count 5 gold coins, 18 silvers, and 20 coppers. You also find a key in the coin pouch of the poacher with the bracers and etched weapon.
The treasure consists of the following:
- The intricately carved etching is a Weapon Potency Rune +1. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will identify it, but if the party already has a weapon with such a rune, this is not necessary.
- The shiny metal bracers are Bracers of Missile Deflection. Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that these mithral bracers will defend the wearer against missile attacks. This item must be Invested.
- The slingstones are 10 pieces of Shining Ammunition. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will reveal that these are sling ammunition that will stick to its target on a hit. (Critical success will reveal that they will also give off light.
- The vial of ruby-red liquid is a Healing Potion, lesser . Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that this is a healing potion of some degree of potency.
- The rolled-up parchment is a Web Spell Scroll. Identify Magic (Nature) DC16 will reveal that it is a Web Spell. A Druid will automatically identify it, as will any Primal spellcaster with Web on their spell list.
Loot Recovered by Party of 5
Inspecting your fallen/restrained foes, you find:
- One poacher (Gadwyn Staunton, the lieutenant), has a shortsword with an intricately carved etching at the base of the blade. It looks just like the rune you had transferred onto your weapon.
- Gadwyn is also wearing a set of shiny metal bracers on his forearms - a metal that doesn't quite look like steel to you, and you can see intricate etching on those as well.
- One of the other poachers has a pouch filled with slingstones, but 10 of these stones are a bit strange. First of all, they are glowing slightly. They also appeared to be coated by some gummy substance, giving them a soft, sticky skin. Pulling one out requires that you almost peel it away from the others.
- In one of the tents, you find a stoppered vial of a bright ruby-red liquid in somebody's backpack.
- Another backpack holds a rolled-up parchment with mystical writing on it, and a flask containing a dark, blood-red liquid.
- Finally, among the three, you count 12 gold coins, 27 silvers, and 30 coppers. You also find a key in the coin pouch of the poacher with the bracers and etched weapon.
The treasure consists of the following:
- The intricately carved etching is a Weapon Potency Rune +1. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will identify it, but if the party already has a weapon with such a rune, this is not necessary.
- The shiny metal bracers are Bracers of Missile Deflection. Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that these mithral bracers will defend the wearer against missile attacks. This item must be Invested.
- The slingstones are 10 pieces of Shining Ammunition. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will reveal that these are sling ammunition that will stick to its target on a hit. (Critical success will reveal that they will also give off light.
- The vial of ruby-red liquid is a Healing Potion, lesser . Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that this is a healing potion of some degree of potency.
- The flask of dark, blood-red liquid is a Elixir of Life, minor . Identify Magic will not reveal anything about this item, but Identify Alchemy DC15 will. (This requires Trained in Crafting and Alchemical tools.)
- The rolled-up parchment is a Web Spell Scroll. Identify Magic (Nature) DC16 will reveal that it is a Web Spell. A Druid will automatically identify it, as will any Primal spellcaster with Web on their spell list.
Loot Recovered by Party of 6
Inspecting your fallen/restrained foes, you find:
- One poacher (Gadwyn Staunton, the lieutenant), has a shortsword with an intricately carved etching at the base of the blade. It looks just like the rune you had transferred onto your weapon. Another poacher's dagger seems to have the same carving at the base of its blade.
- Gadwyn is also wearing a set of shiny metal bracers on his forearms - a metal that doesn't quite look like steel to you, and you can see intricate etching on those as well.
- Gadwyn's cloak-clasp also catches your eye. It appears to be made of silver. The main clasp pieces resemble kite shields that are intricately carved with symbols and runes; a silver chain connects them to hold the clasp.
- One of the other poachers has a pouch filled with slingstones, but 10 of these stones are a bit strange. First of all, they are glowing slightly. They also appeared to be coated by some gummy substance, giving them a soft, sticky skin. Pulling one out requires that you almost peel it away from the others.
- In one of the tents, you find a stoppered vial of a bright ruby-red liquid in somebody's backpack.
- Another backpack holds a rolled-up parchment with mystical writing on it, and a flask containing a dark, blood-red liquid.
- Finally, among the four, you count 15 gold coins, 27 silvers, and 30 coppers. You also find a key in the coin pouch of the poacher with the bracers and etched weapon.
The treasure consists of the following:
- The intricately carved etchings are Weapon Potency Runes +1. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will identify them, but if the party already has a weapon with such a rune, this is not necessary.
- The shiny metal bracers are Bracers of Missile Deflection. Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that these mithral bracers will defend the wearer against missile attacks. This item must be Invested.
- The cloak clasp is a Brooch of Shielding. Identify Magic (any) DC16 will reveal that this brooch/clasp will defend the wearer against magic missiles. This item must be Invested.
- The slingstones are 10 pieces of Shining Ammunition. Identify Magic (any) DC15 will reveal that these are sling ammunition that will stick to its target on a hit. (Critical success will reveal that they will also give off light.
- The vial of ruby-red liquid is a Healing Potion, lesser . Identify Magic (any) DC18 will reveal that this is a healing potion of some degree of potency.
- The flask of dark, blood-red liquid is a Elixir of Life, minor . Identify Magic will not reveal anything about this item, but Identify Alchemy DC15 will. (This requires Trained in Crafting and Alchemical tools.)
- The rolled-up parchment is a Web Spell Scroll. Identify Magic (Nature) DC16 will reveal that it is a Web Spell. A Druid will automatically identify it, as will any Primal spellcaster with Web on their spell list.
Reminder on Identifying Magic
A reminder on Detect Magic and Identify
Detect Magic is a Cantrip that simply tells the caster whether or not there is magic present with 30' of them. It does not indicate direction, nor does it pinpoint specific sources of magical emanation.Read Aura is a Cantrip that tells the caster whether a particular item being handled is magical or not, and if it is, what school of magic is involved (Enchantment, Abjuration, etc.). High level illusions can block this effect.
Identify Magic is a skill check that theoretically anybody Trained in the appropriate magical tradition can use to determine what a magical item is. It is necessary to have definitively determined that an item is magical before this skill can be applied. This determination can be made either via Read Aura, or prior certain knowledge. For example, a rune carved on a blade that looks much like a rune on a player's own blade can be "known to be magical" for this purpose.
Shining Ammunition - ITEM 1
Usage Ammunition (sling) ; Bulk 0;
A piece of Shining Ammunition gives off a faint glow.
Type Standard;
Price 3gp / 10 pieces;
When shot, this ammunition sheds bright light in a 20 foot radius {and dim light to the next 20 feet) for 10 minutes. If it hits a target, it sticks, causing the target to shed light in the same radius. A creature can remove the ammunition with an Interact action, but the ammunition itself continues to glow for the rest of the duration or until destroyed.
Healing Potion - ITEM 1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L; Activate

A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker’s wounds heal rapidly.
Type minor;
Level 1; Price 4gp;
The potion restores 1d8 Hit Points.
Type lesser;
Level 3; Price 12gp;
The potion restores 3d8+5 Hit Points.
Type moderate;
Level 6; Price 50gp;
The potion restores 3d8+10 Hit Points.
Type greater;
Level 12; Price 400gp;
The potion restores 6d8+20 Hit Points.
Bracers of Missile Deflection - ITEM 3
Usage worn bracers; Bulk L; Activate

These bracers are made from plates of durable mithral and gleam like the summer sun.
Can be Identified with Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Primal
Can be Identified with Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Primal
Type Lesser;
Level 3; Price 52gp;
Frequency: Once per day
Requirements: You are aware of the attack and are not flat-footed
Effect: The bracers send the missile off-course. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If this would cause the attack to be a failure, the attack misses you.
Requirements: You are aware of the attack and are not flat-footed
Effect: The bracers send the missile off-course. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If this would cause the attack to be a failure, the attack misses you.
Type Greater;
Level 9; Price 650gp;
Frequency: Once every 10 minutes
Requirements: You are aware of the attack and are not flat-footed
Effect: The bracers send the missile off-course. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If this would cause the attack to be a failure, the attack misses you.
Requirements: You are aware of the attack and are not flat-footed
Effect: The bracers send the missile off-course. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If this would cause the attack to be a failure, the attack misses you.
NPCs/Statblocks Needed
Maps Needed
Plot type
Parent Plot
Unarmed Actions:
1 Action
Requirements: You are Trained in Athletics. You have at least one hand free. The target can’t be more than one size larger than you.
You try to knock something out of an opponent’s grasp. Attempt an Athletics check against the opponent’s Reflex DC.
Critical Success: You knock the item out of the opponent’s grasp. It falls to the ground in the opponent’s space.
Success: You weaken your opponent’s grasp on the item. Until the start of that creature’s turn, attempts to Disarm the opponent of that item gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and the target takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attacks with the item or other checks requiring a firm grasp on the item.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Critical Failure: You lose your balance and become Flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
1 Action
Requirements: You have at least one free hand. Your target cannot be more than one size larger than you.
You attempt to grab an opponent with your free hand. Attempt an Athletics check against their Fortitude DC. You can also Grapple to keep your hold on a creature you already grabbed.
Critical Success: Your opponent is restrained until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes.
Success: Your opponent is grabbed until the end of your next turn unless you move or your opponent Escapes.
Failure: You fail to grab your opponent. If you already had the opponent grabbed or restrained using a Grapple, those conditions on that creature end.
Critical Failure: If you already had the opponent grabbed or restrained, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the Grapple action against you, or force you to fall and land prone.
1 Action
Requirements: You have at least one hand free. The target can’t be more than one size larger than you.
You push an opponent away from you. Attempt an Athletics check against your opponent’s Fortitude DC.
Critical Success: You push your opponent up to 10 feet away from you. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.
Success: You push your opponent back 5 feet. You can Stride after it, but you must move the same distance and in the same direction.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Critical Failure: You lose your balance, fall, and land Prone.
1 Action
Requirements: You have at least one hand free. The target can’t be more than one size larger than you.
You try to knock an opponent to the ground. Attempt an Athletics check against your opponent’s Reflex DC.
Critical Success: The target falls and lands Prone, and takes 1d6 Bludgeoning damage.
Success: The target falls and lands Prone.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Critical Failure: You lose your balance, fall, and land Prone.
Flat-footedGrabbedFlat-Footed Condition
You’re distracted or otherwise unable to focus your full attention on defense. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to AC. Some effects give you the flat-footed condition only to certain creatures or against certain attacks. Others - especially conditions — can make you universally flat-footed against everything. If a rule doesn’t specify that the condition applies only to certain circumstances, it applies to all of them; for example, many effects simply say “The target is flat-footed.”
ImmobilizedGrabbed Condition
You’re held in place by another creature, giving you the Flat-footed and Immobilized conditions. If you attempt a manipulate action while grabbed, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied.
ProneImmobilized Condition
You can’t use any action with the move trait. If you’re immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you out of your space, the force must succeed at a check against either the DC of the effect holding you in place or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the monster holding you in place.
RestrainedProne Condition
You’re lying on the ground. You are Flat-footed and take a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can use while you’re prone are Crawl and Stand. Standing up ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone to hunker down and gain cover against ranged attacks, even if you don’t have an object to get behind, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks (but you remain flat-footed).
If you would be knocked prone while you’re Climbing or Flying, you fall. You can’t be knocked prone when Swimming.
Restrained Condition
You’re tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the Flat-footed and Immobilized conditions, and you can’t use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides Grabbed.