Kingdom of Tyrnabay

Located half a world away from the Feywood, the Kindgom of Tyrnabay is a complicated place. Before the Great Strife over two thousand years ago, it was little more than a few tiny seacoast villages. But as the great god-war neared its end, the forces of Chaos were pushed into this region and it was there that the final battles were fought. In the aftemath, many survivors of the losing side could not or would not return home. The Kingdom sprang up, with defeated soldiers and disillusionled zealots simply seeking to rebuild their lives. Not surprisingly, though, these dregs also formed bands of pirates and mercenaries who are now known and feared the world over.


The land is ruled by a Sovereign King who nominally claims absolute dominion over all the lands and its peoples, though government administration is delegated downward through a lesser nobility who hold titles of either Count or Marquis depending on the territory governed. These nobles rely on still lesser gentry to actually do most of the work: these are the Lord County Stewards, Lord March Stewards, and Lord Captains.

In truth, it is unclear how much absolute power the nobility wields, as there is another organization within the kingdom that likely holds even more sway. In name, it is just a trade guild, a guild of merchants. But almost all folk in the kingdom know that the Mercantile has complelte economic control over the kingdom, and thus are the ones really pulling all the strings.

Kingdom of Tyrnabay

King ??
  • Northwaters County
  • Sweetwater County
  • Wolf's Bay County
  • Bleaklands March
  • Dwarflands March
  • Orclands March
  • Seaholds March

  • The Tyrnabay Region


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