Spider, Tangleweb

Tangleweb Spiders are one of many giant spider species that can be found in the dark, foreboding places all across Cartyrion. Though individual spiders aren't much of a challenge to adventurers, the fact that these creatures are communal means that the typical encounter involves more than one - perhaps many more.

Individual Tangleweb Spiders are Small creatures with two-segmented bodies. The head is round, about 8" (20cm) in diameter, dominated by two large faceted eyes with three smaller eyes between. Two curved mandibles, each 4" (10cm) long and serrated on the inner edge surround a small mouth opening. These mandibles are capable of injecting a poison that slows and eventually paralyzes prey.

The abdomen section is larger and ovoid-shaped, about 2' (60cm) long by 1' (30cm) wide and covered by spiny hairs. Two small spinneret appendages surround an orifice at the back of the abdomen from which the spider spins its silk. Eight segmented chitinous legs attach to the abdomen; each of these is about 2' (60cm) long. Colors range from dark browns and greys to jet black. The larger eyes are always black; the smaller ones seem to glow red.

Tangleweb spiders do not spin patterned webs; instead they spin random strands that eventually create broad sheets of sticky silk that span openings through which prey might attempt to pass. Colonies of the spiders can create a vast network of such sheets, and if any part is disturbed, the entire colony will sense it and respond. Once per hour, a spider is also capable of spinning and shooting a "capture net" - a sheet of webbing capable of entangling a Medium creature up to 10' away.
Tangleweb Spider
Size: Small Speed: 25' (7.5m)
Number Appearing: 4-24 (4d6)

STR:+0 DEX:+2 CON:+0 INT:-4 AWA:+0 (+10) WIL:+5 CHA:+2
AWA +10 for any disturbance of web sheet in which spider lives.

SP: 4 IP: 3 Armor: +1
Damage: 1d4 (+Tangleweb Poison)
Special Attack: Web Sheet
Tangleweb Spiders will retreat from combat if they sustain (and survive) any damage that affects IP.
Web Sheet
Frequency: Once per hour
Save: DEX/DC:14
Success: No effect.
Fail: Target is Clumsy until 1 round is spent removing web strands.
Tangleweb Poison
Save: CON/DC:12 once when first injected
Round 1: no effect.
Round 2: Target is Clumsy.
Round 3: Target is Befuddled.
Round 5: Target is Paralyzed.
Round 8: All Effects end.

Tangleweb Spider

Size: Small
Speed: 25ft (7.5m)
Quantity: 4-24 (4d6)
Environment: Ruins, caves
STR: +0
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: -4
AWA: +0
WIL: +5
PRE: +2
Stamina Pts: 4
Injury Pts: 3
Armor Pts: 1
Damage: 1d4 +Tangleweb Poison

Special Attacks:
Web Sheet
Frequency: Once per hour
Save: DEX/DC:14
Success: No effect.
Fail: Target is Clumsy until 1 round is spent removing web strands.

Tangleweb Spiders have boodies with two distinct segments: a round head, about 8" (20cm) in diameter and a larger, ovoid-shaped abdomen 24" (60cm) long by 12" (30cm) wide. The head is dominated by two large faceted eyes with three smaller eyes between. Two curved mandibles, each 4" (10cm) long and serrated on the inner edge surround a small mouth opening. These mandibles are capable of injecting a poison that slows and eventually paralyzes prey. The abdomen is covered by spiny hairs. Two small spinneret appendages surround an orifice at the back of the abdomen from which the spider spins its silk. Eight segmented, chitinous legs attach to the abdomen; each of these is about 2' (60cm) long. Colors range from dark browns and greys to jet black. The larger eyes are always black; the smaller ones seem to glow red.   Tangleweb spiders do not spin patterned webs; instead they spin random strands that eventually create broad sheets of sticky silk that span openings through which prey might attempt to pass. Colonies of the spiders can create a vast network of such sheets, and if any part is disturbed, the entire colony will sense it and respond.


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