Vengeful Spirit
The victim of a terrible injustice - one so egregious that the wronged one's spirit cannot move on to its afterlife, the Vengeful Spirit haunts the place where the crime against it was committed. Existing partly in the Ethereal Realm and partly in the Physical Realm, and confined to the place of their demise, they are often unable to do anything to see justice done, the spirit's anger and frustration are vented upon any unfortunate mortals who happen into the area.
PF2E-compatible Statblock
Vengeful Spirits are a form of Ghost, and as such are non-corporeal in form. When they make themselves visible to common mortals, they appear as pale white, translucent images of themselves as they were when they died. Sometimes, the weapon which slew them is visible as a part of this apparition. While in this form, they are only partially present on the physical plane. They can disappear completely at will, and in this form are completely immune to attacks that do not extend into the Ethereal Realm.
Being essentially noncorporeal, Vengeful Spirits are only partially vulnerable to physical attacks, and cannot actually wield physical weapons or other objects. They are nonetheless quite dangerous, though, as their Touch of the Grave is capable of sapping the life energy of any living creature. They are also capable of emitting a Frightful Lament, a ghostly moan that fills those who hear it with a sense of dread.
Vengeful Spirits are notoriously difficult to get rid of since the only way to do so permanently is to provide the justice they seek. If the creature is defeated in combat, it will Rejuvenate, fully reforming somwhere within its bound location, and with its original strength and capabilities. This will happen 1 to 4 hours after it is "destroyed". Only when the wrong perceived by the spirit is corrected will the Vengeful Spirit permanently dissipate, finally capable of moving on to its afterlife.
Mortals who enter the haunting place of a Vengeful Spirit are not automatically considered to be enemies. The Spirit may use its Frightful Moan to scare them off, but it will not immediately attack. If the mortals attempt to remove any items from the haunting place, or take some other action the Spirit considers disrespectful either to it or its bound location, it will attack.
If a Vengeful Spirit is encountered, the adventurers may attempt to communicate with it to determine what injustice it was that they require to be addressed. Provided the mortals have not done anything that the Spirit might perceive as an additional injustice (such as attempting to physically attack the spirit, or to take items that belonged to them in life from the haunting place), the Vengeful Spirit will be willing to speak with them. Should the mortals actually help the Spirit seek the justice it desires, it will not threaten them, and may even defend them if the opportunity arises. On some rare occasions, the Spirit may leave a token gift of some sort behind after permanently dissipating for those who helped it see justice done.
Vengeful Spirit
The Vengeful Spirit's Non-Corporeal form offers Resistance to all physical and elemental forms of attack, except those based purely upon the Energy of Light/Life. In the case of attacks based purely upon the Energy of Darkness/Death, these actually have a restorative effect on the creature. Attacks whose effects reach into the Ethereal Realm, however, are not subject to this Resistance.
Vengeful Spirits are not permanently destroyed as long as their perceived injustice persists. Defeating the spirit in combat will cause it to dissipate, but it will Rejuvenate fully somwhere in its haunting location within 1 to 4 hours.
Being essentially noncorporeal, Vengeful Spirits are only partially vulnerable to physical attacks, and cannot actually wield physical weapons or other objects. They are nonetheless quite dangerous, though, as their Touch of the Grave is capable of sapping the life energy of any living creature. They are also capable of emitting a Frightful Lament, a ghostly moan that fills those who hear it with a sense of dread.
Vengeful Spirits are notoriously difficult to get rid of since the only way to do so permanently is to provide the justice they seek. If the creature is defeated in combat, it will Rejuvenate, fully reforming somwhere within its bound location, and with its original strength and capabilities. This will happen 1 to 4 hours after it is "destroyed". Only when the wrong perceived by the spirit is corrected will the Vengeful Spirit permanently dissipate, finally capable of moving on to its afterlife.
Mortals who enter the haunting place of a Vengeful Spirit are not automatically considered to be enemies. The Spirit may use its Frightful Moan to scare them off, but it will not immediately attack. If the mortals attempt to remove any items from the haunting place, or take some other action the Spirit considers disrespectful either to it or its bound location, it will attack.
If a Vengeful Spirit is encountered, the adventurers may attempt to communicate with it to determine what injustice it was that they require to be addressed. Provided the mortals have not done anything that the Spirit might perceive as an additional injustice (such as attempting to physically attack the spirit, or to take items that belonged to them in life from the haunting place), the Vengeful Spirit will be willing to speak with them. Should the mortals actually help the Spirit seek the justice it desires, it will not threaten them, and may even defend them if the opportunity arises. On some rare occasions, the Spirit may leave a token gift of some sort behind after permanently dissipating for those who helped it see justice done.
Special Features
The strike of a Vengeful Spirit is capable of draining away life essence from its target. Such strikes deliver Necromantic damage. The Spirit may appear to be striking with their hands or fists, or may appear to be wielding weapon. Regardless of the visual appearance of the attack, the damage done is the same.The Vengeful Spirit's Non-Corporeal form offers Resistance to all physical and elemental forms of attack, except those based purely upon the Energy of Light/Life. In the case of attacks based purely upon the Energy of Darkness/Death, these actually have a restorative effect on the creature. Attacks whose effects reach into the Ethereal Realm, however, are not subject to this Resistance.
Vengeful Spirits are not permanently destroyed as long as their perceived injustice persists. Defeating the spirit in combat will cause it to dissipate, but it will Rejuvenate fully somwhere in its haunting location within 1 to 4 hours.
PF2E-compatible Statblock
Vengeful Spirit - Creature 5
Vengeful Spirits are a variety of Ghost. They are the restless, non-corporeal remains of a mortal (from any of the races of the Folk) who was killed, but whose spirit is incapable of moving on to the afterlife as long as the terrible injustice it suffered goes unpunished. Rarely is the injustice simply the killing; it often has to do with circumstances around the killing, or perhaps circumstances brought about by the killing that affect the spirit's family or loved ones in some way. | |
Perception | +12; Darkvision |
Languages | Common, any other language the Spirit knew in life |
Skills | Intimidation+12, Stealth+14, Lore+14 regarding its demise and the fortunes of any that committed the injustice against it |
STR -5 , DEX +3 , CON +0 , INT +0 , WIS +2 , CHA +2 | |
AC | 22 |
Saving Throws | Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +10 |
HP | 40 - Immunities Death effects, disease, paralyzation, poison, precision, unconscious, negative energy - Resistances Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning 5 (10 if nonmagical), All other damage except force, ghost touch, or positive 5 |
Speed | Fly 40ft |
Melee | ![]() |
Special Abilities | ![]() The ghost laments its fate, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a Will save (DC21). On a failure, a creature becomes Frightened 2 (or Frightened 3 on a critical failure). On a success, a creature is temporarily immune to this spirit's Frightful Lament for 1 minute. ![]() (1-4 hrs) Rejuvenation: Until the injustice perceived by the Vengeful Spirit is corrected, it will reform somewhere in its bound location within 1 to 4 hours after it is "destroyed". It will be restored with full hit points and abilities. |
Site Bound - A Vengeful Spirit can stray only a short distance from the place it haunts, which is almost always the place where it was first killed. The Spirit is free to move around anywhere within the confines of the building in which it was slain, and beyond it to a limit of 120 feet. On some occasions, the Spirit may be limited to a smaller area such as a single room. If killed outdoors, the Spirit will be limited to a range no more than 120 feet from the point of its demise. |