Adventure 3.1: Welcome to Karnstown

An adventure for a Level 3 party of 4 to 6 player characters in the World of Cartyrion

This adventure is designed to introduce the party to the City of Karnstown deep in the Feywood. It may be preceded by the "Road to Karnstown" adventure, or the party may arrive at the city gates by some other means.
Provide an abstract of the adventure here.

The City of Karnstown


The party is exploring the city and finds its way to the East Market district. They may start to notice some oddities, and depending on whether they sample some of the food being sold by street vendors, they may themselves fall victim to the "curse" that is afflicting this area.   Having realized that there is something affecting the folk in and around the East Market district, the party must try to find out where the affliction is emanating from. Eventually, they realize that the municipal well in the district is the source of the trouble, and further investigation yields the bag at the bottom of the well which is oozing forth some strange liquid and contaminating the water.   Having removed the offending contaminant, only to have the strange malady return only a day later, the party discovers... another bag of oozing nastiness! Who's placing these?! A "stakeout" may be required.   Having followed the strange creature back to one of the homes in the city, the party has to decide what to do next? Break into the house themelves? Knock on the door and confront the owner?  

NPCs and Monsters

  • The Witch
  • The Witch's Familiar
  • The Witch's "Pets"
  • Affected Townsfolk
  • Rewards to be Earned

    Material rewards are to be determined. The party will also gain reputation - and recognition by key members of the Karn family which will in turn lead to additional adventuring opportunities.  

    Completing the Adventure

    The adventure is complete when the party has discovered the witch behind the well-tainting and has somehow put a stop to it. While they may get their first inklings into the existence of a Hag Coven in the area (the witch's "patrons"), it is not necessary that they do anything about this.

    Articles under Adventure 3.1: Welcome to Karnstown

    Cover image: The Inn from the Bridge over Daphinia's Stream by RPGDinosaurBob (with Flowscape)


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