The Darting Eye

he Creator of Worlds decided that Cartyrion should be graced with not one, but two heavenly bodies to rule the night skies. The smaller of the two is called the Darting Eye by most of the folk of Cartyrion. Most sages agree that this name comes from fact that this moon races across the sky (as opposed to the slower Ponderous Eye).

Description and Phases

The Ponderous Eye is bright white in color, and is much smaller than the other moon that traverses the skies of Cartyrion. It completes a cycle of phases every twenty-three days, so there at least fifteen times during a year when the Darting Eye is fully opened - which is how the folk of the world refer to a full moon phase. Conversely, on the individual days when the moon does not appear in the sky, it is said that the Darting Eye is closed or asleep. In between, it is simply either "opening" or "closing"

Every five years or so - in fact every 1909 days - there is a conjunction of the Darting Eye and its night sky companion, the The Ponderous Eye while both are in their "fully open" phase. This event which results in a spectacle in the sky resembling ablood-red iris-less eye with a bright, ghostly white pupil. is referred to as the Night of the Necromancer's Eye. This is a night when most folk lock themselves indoors for fear of creatures and spirits that may be abroad in the world that night. It is also a night that those afflicted with lycanthropic conditions fear tremendously, as on these nights, even the most powerful controlling elixirs that help them control their affliction are powerless to prevent their conversion.
Alternative Name(s)
Aurelana's Eye (by the Alev)


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