Theodric Pinnman
Theodric Pinnman (nee Goodman)
Theodric Pinnman is 46 years old; he was born on 23rd day of Time of Amalthea's Oak, 2124CR. He stands 6’1” tall and weighs 175lbs. He is a trained Fighter, skilled with longsword and shield, though his talents with these tools are seldom used anymore. He is, however, quite good at breaking up the occasional bar fight. His early artisan training has been much more useful to him in recent years; he relies much more heavily on his carpentry skills to keep the Inn in good repair, and his general good and friendly nature to ensure visitors to the Inn feel safe, comfortable, and welcome during their stay.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Theodric Goodman was born in the City of Endmere. The second son of a master carpenter, he spent his early years in his father’s shop as an apprentice, but as it was his brother who would eventually inherit the business from his father, Theodric joined the Merchant Minders at the age of 18 to make his own future. His skills as a journeyman carpenter compensated for his lack of fighting skills at first, but the Merchant Minders soon saw to it that his martial abilities were quickly sharpened. Theodric became rather adept at wielding a longsword and shield while either mounted or on foot.
His assignments took him far from home and deep into the Frontier Lands. At first he was part of a 'Minder's team supporting a caravan that routinely ran betweeh Laketon and Dryad’s Falls in the Feywood. In his fifth year, his team, which also included the Dwarven fighter-smith Tugreth Oakbraid and the caravan cook/medic/alchemist Wyzbirrit Knunkett, was reassigned to support a new caravan. The circuit route for this caravan would run from Dryad Falls to Feybridge Crossing, then on to Karnstown, back through Spirit Lake to return to Dryad's Falls.
It was on the first run of this circuit, at a point deep in the Feywood and halfway between Feybridge Crossing and Karnstown that Theodric had the encounter that would set his future in motion. Coming across a band of Bugbears that were harassing the Naiad nymph Daphinia, he slew the Bugbear leader and drove off the rest. The Naiad befriended him and offered her protection should he decide one day to make this piece of the Feywood home. When he arrived back in Dryad Falls, he immediately decided to retire from the Merchant Minders and establish an Inn deep in the Feywood - at the place where the road crossed Daphinia's stream. His friends Tugreth and Wyzbirrit agreed to join him, and the three families set out to establish what is now the Bugbear's Head Inn.
His assignments took him far from home and deep into the Frontier Lands. At first he was part of a 'Minder's team supporting a caravan that routinely ran betweeh Laketon and Dryad’s Falls in the Feywood. In his fifth year, his team, which also included the Dwarven fighter-smith Tugreth Oakbraid and the caravan cook/medic/alchemist Wyzbirrit Knunkett, was reassigned to support a new caravan. The circuit route for this caravan would run from Dryad Falls to Feybridge Crossing, then on to Karnstown, back through Spirit Lake to return to Dryad's Falls.
It was on the first run of this circuit, at a point deep in the Feywood and halfway between Feybridge Crossing and Karnstown that Theodric had the encounter that would set his future in motion. Coming across a band of Bugbears that were harassing the Naiad nymph Daphinia, he slew the Bugbear leader and drove off the rest. The Naiad befriended him and offered her protection should he decide one day to make this piece of the Feywood home. When he arrived back in Dryad Falls, he immediately decided to retire from the Merchant Minders and establish an Inn deep in the Feywood - at the place where the road crossed Daphinia's stream. His friends Tugreth and Wyzbirrit agreed to join him, and the three families set out to establish what is now the Bugbear's Head Inn.

Theodric Pinnman is the founder/owner of the Bugbear's Head Inn deep in the Feywood on the road between Feybridge Crossing and Karnstown. He is a former mercenary swordsman who, with several former unit-mates, retired to establish the Inn. While technically a fighter, he is not intended to provide combat support to any adventuring groups, though he will sell a limited quantity and variety of supplies to PCs at cost.
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Neutral Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
23 Time of Filibert's Flagon, 2124CR
Branwyne Pinnman
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, lightly tanned
6' 1" (185cm)
175lbs (80kg)
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