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Multicultural Training - Boon

Requirements Cost- 2 Fame
Description You consider yourself a member of multiple cultures—whether by birth, upbringing, or long-term exposure—and you have learned to blend several of the cultures’ styles into your training as an adventurer. 
Applications Choose an additional ethnicity, such as Varisian or Garundi. 
  • In addition to the ethnicity you selected at character creation, you are also treated as a member of this additional ethnicity for the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions. 
  • Normal- When creating a character, you can choose one ethnicity to can serve as a prerequisite and Access condition for character options. This affects only the character options you can select, not your character’s story or identity. 
  • Special- You can purchase this boon multiple times. The second time you purchase it, the cost increases to 12 Fame, and subsequent purchases cost 20 Fame each.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
