Adventure 2.3: The Ringmaster Plot in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

Adventure 2.3: The Ringmaster

An adventure for a Level 2 party of 4 to 6 player characters in the World of Cartyrion

This is the third and final Installment in an arc of three Adventures designed for a Level 2 party of adventurers. It presumes that the Party has completed Adventure 2.2 - The Investigation.
In this adventure, the "Stop the Poachers" story arc comes to an end. As it opens, the party needs to have determined either who the leader of the operation is (Amaric Duncanson), or where it is based (the back of Amaric's shop), or both. There will be at least two encounters in this adventure, because Amaric will escape the first one.

This sounds like it should be straightforward, but it is not. Will the party strike in daylight or at night? Will they try to take Amaric away from his shop or will he be surrounded by "evidence" when the first encounter occurs? There are several scenarios for the first encounter, though mechanically, the much of the combat will be universal.

The second encounter will depend in part on both the situation in which the first encounter occurred, and the exact outcome of that encounter. How far does Amaric flee? Does he make it to the merchant caravan that is shipping his goods - and which has a sellsword escort? The full details of the outcome of this second encounter will also be variable. Does the party have a chance to connect the departing merchant to the ring? Do they dispatch the merchant? What of his mercenary cohort? Does this all happen in full view of the town - whose people think Amaric is a kindly old soul that is suddenly being attacked by this group of strangers? There are many things to prepare for in order to ensure a smooth game flow.

Encounter 1 - The Ringleader is Confronted

The setup for this encounter will be heavily determined by the party's approach. Here are some basic anticipated options for how it may happen:
  • The party confronts Amaric by breaking into the shop at night.
    There will be a lieutenant cleaning up after recently having packed up goods for shipment in the main part of the shop. Confronting this NPC will alert Amaric, who has just gone into the second (out of sight) room. On hearing battle sounds, Amaric will escape, get his horse from the livery stable, and flee to join the merchant, who is already on the road. This sets up the second encounter.
  • The party confronts Amaric in broad daylight (in the street, in his shop, etc.).
    There will be a few townsfolk in the shop at the time, and they will be predisposed to help "poor old Amaric" to defend himself from a bunch of outsiders. In the confusion, Amaric will slip away and flee to catch up with the merchant that has just taken a delivery of illicit goods from him. This sets up the second encounter.
  • The party confronts Amaric at a town meeting.
    This won't go well unless the party has considerable evidence in their hands. Pandemonium will reign, and Amaric's friends will innocently attempt to protect him and oust the party (or worse). Amaric will flee in the confusion, and look for the merchant and his sellswords - setting up the second encounter.
Variants of these are possible, but they all boil down to several key points. The party gets confirmation that Amaric is their target. The townsfolk will not accept this fact on the basis of the party's say-so alone... hard evidence may sway them, but even then they will be reluctant. Amaric will flee, and will somehow hook up with his merchant contact, who has a contingent of sellswords who will be told to defend Amaric.

Encounter 2 - The Ringleader is Finished

In the normal form, this encounter will involve both the Merchant and Amaric as "bosses" directing the fight. (They are NOT bosses in the gaming sense, though.) The main fight will be between the party and the sellswords. The party may try to convince the sellswords that they are working for an illicit operation, and if they are lucky, this may work. (The mercenaries are not predisposed to believe the party.) The merchant and Amaric should, if possible, be brought to the town Elders alive to face "proper justice" -- and they will surrender if it is obvious they have lost. As the battle turns, they will both try to flee - with the merchant's wagon if possible. The wagon is heavily laden, however, so the horses cannot run far. If the party acts to stop the wagon, they will flee on foot. In either event, they will flee down the road toward Dryad's Falls.

In alternate form (see below), Amaric will not be present - but the merchant and sellswords are, and the combat itself should play out the same way. The merchant will attempt escape as before. The party should be trying to preserve the evidence that is in the wagon, though.

Encounter 3 - A Major Alternative Approach

Once the party discovers Amaric's name and role, they may choose to watch the store first. If they do, they will see the merchant loading goods. If they then accost the merchant (hopefully outside of town) before confronting Amaric, then the Sellsword fight (Encounter 2) will happen first. Capturing the Merchant and dragging him to the Shirriff will be sufficient evidence to warrant the arrest of Amaric. The Shirriff will insist the party accompany him so that Amaric can face his accuser, but Amaric will have been alerted by the time the group arrives. He will have gathered his lieutenants and possibly a handful of poacher commoners to defend himself in the final battle.

Ending the Adventure

In-game Aftermath
After resolving any issues with the officials of Spirit Lake, the party needs to return to the Bugbear's Head Inn. Since they may wish to do some more shopping on the way back, allow the party members to handle all of the Leveling Up mechanics before they actually begin this journey. (This may mean that the journey back be handled in a separate gaming session, or even offline via forum posts and the like - that would be acceptable.)

There are no encounters required for the journey back - but if the party's handling of the Tavern Brawl in Adventure 1 resulted in their being persona-non-grata in Feybridge Crossing, an encounter may be needed to deal with them traveling through that town once more if they choose to try it. This should be a very minor encounter.

Upon returning, Amalthea will be summoned and will provide the party with the reward that was promised them. The Game Master should also try to get a sense from the party as to their intentions going forward. Will they take the bait for the Lizardfolk artifact poaching? Amalthea may ask that they investigate further to see what the root of all the trouble is - meaning a journey to Endmere. Or does the party just want to get away from Amalthea and the Fey?


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Articles under Adventure 2.3: The Ringmaster

Cover image: The Inn from the Bridge over Daphinia's Stream by RPGDinosaurBob (with Flowscape)


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