Nymphs of Cartyrion

Nymphs are the sentient, most often humanoid Fey that were Awakened by Berdea before the first Folk walked the world. When Berdea of the Alevar created them, he did so with a purpose. The nymphs were to not only contribute to the beauty and wonder of the world as Berdea envisioned it, but also to work to enhance that beauty. They were to tend Berdea's gardens.


Most of the nymphs are roughly humanoid in appearance, though a pronounced set of wings is a freqeunt addition to the typical humanoid body plan. These wings most often resemble those of insects such as dragonflies or butterflies. Many are tiny in stature, much smaller than even the shortest of the Folk, but some are of typical human or elven stature. All are, by human or elven standards, quite comely.

It appears to many of the Folk that most of the nymphs are female. While their attractive appearance does indeed more often resemble soft, graceful lines of a feminine form, all nymphs are in fact asexual in nature. Nymphs, like all Fey, do not reproduce, and the concept of "male" and "female" is alien to them.

Some nymphs, like selkies, may resemble more common animals and are mistaken for fey creatures. Some, such as the deva, are unlike anything else in the world.


Nymphs can be found almost everywhere on Cartyrion, from the frozen polar regions, to the deep oceans; from the highest mountaintops to the deepest caves. Most species of Nymphs prefer a specific habitat in which to live, but some can be found in a variety of environments.

Interaction with the Folk

Most nymphs are indifferent to the presence of Folk. Mortals who enter their domains are tolerated as long as they are respectful of the natural wonder around them. A few species shy away and try to keep themselves hidden from mortal eyes, a behavior usually broght about by unpleasant past experiences with unknowing or uncaring Folk.

But a few species actively seek out mortal interaction, at least on some levels. A few even find favorable home settings in places where the Folk have established settlements. Mostly, this is just done for fun, but there is at least one species - Caretakers - that seems to accept the Folk as "works of the gods" just as trees and flowers are, and they dedicate themselves to "tending the mortals".


As with all of the Fey, Nymphs are ageless and effectively immortal. Though they will not succumb to the ravages of time, they can be killed by violence or accident. They were awakened in "adult" form, and so shall remain as long as they exist.

Nymphs (Alphabetically)

  • Brownie
  • Caretaker
  • Cryiad, Lesser & Greater
  • Deva
  • Draxie
  • Dryad, Lesser & Greater
  • Foamflitter
  • Greenfolk
  • Grig
  • Korred
  • Lampad, Lesser & Greater
  • Limoniad, Lesser & Greater
  • Melixie
  • Naiad, Lesser & Greater
  • Nereid, Lesser & Greater
  • Nixie
  • Nyktera
  • Oread, Lesser & Greater
  • Pixie
  • Psyiad, Lesser & Greater
  • Selkie
  • Seneschal
  • Sprite
  • Sylph

  • That is, unless, some other deity interferes, as did Corizzea. The gods, like mortals, are not without rivalries and conflicts, and the rift between Berdea and Corizzea predated their arrival at Cartyrion. the sages believe that Corizzea was jealous of Berdea's mastery of the conduits controlling the Six Energies. Unable to bring forth creatures from the conduits as Berdea did, Corizzea instead used his lesser mastery to corrupt the works of his rival. Thus is is that some number of every Nymph species created by Berdea were corrupted by Corizzea into something new - something that would embody the hatred that Corizzea held for Berdea. These twisted caricatures of the Nymphs they used to be are called Gremlins.


    Side panel character images by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge
    Banner map by RPGDinosaurBob using Fractal Terrains by ProFantasy and Inkarnate


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