Selenea the Dark Queen
Each of the fey Nymph creatures created by Berdea of the Alevar has a counterparty among the Gremlins. This is due to the efforts of Corizzea, another Alevar deity and Berdea's greatest rival. The nymphs of the Feywood look to Amalthea the Dryad as the wisest - and among the most powerful - of their kind. It should come as no surprise that the gremlins of the Feywood also have one among their number they consider a leader; this is Selenea, a Night Hag also known as the Dark Queen of the Feywood.
After the touch of Corizzea, she became the antithesis of everything that she once was. As with all of the gremlins, her corruption causes her to despise everything she once held so dear. She became a creature of the night, of darkness and dim, colorless shadow. She finds bright color abhorrent, and avoids the golden rays of the sun as much as possible. Shen took her new name of Selenea as her old name reminded her of things she now despised.
formerly Electrea, when still a limoniad
Title, Honorific
Dark Queen of the Feywood
Night Hag (formerly Greater Limoniad)
Date of Birth
18,690BCR (as a Greater Limoniad)
14,328BCR (corrupted by Corizzea)
Current Location
somewhere in the Feywood
In the thousands of years after her corruption, but before the Great Strife, she roamed the Feywood at night, disrupting the revels of satyrs in their glades, and doing whatever she could to undo the work of the limoniads that continued to tend the wildflowers of the meadows. But when the god-war came, she was tapped by Corizzea, who was one of the The Gods of Coercion, to do more.
During the god-war, she organized small bands of gremlins who took more aggressive action against the Elves and nymphs of the Feywood. Their constant harassment kept the elves busy, preventing them from being able to offer significant aid to the elves, men, and dwarves who were fighting the large armies of foe in other places around the world. It was during this time that the gremlins of the Feywood began to refer to her as the Dark Queen. They served her out of fear, not out of any sense of duty or respect, because she quickly made examples of a few gremlins who thought themselves powerful. It took only a few years for word to spread among gremlinkind that Selenea was not to be trifled with or disobeyed.
Since the defeat of the Gods of Coercion and the end of the Great Strife, her actions, and those of the gremlins that do her bidding, have become far more subdued. But she still works toward her goals of disrupting all that she once considered beautiful, and still retains the obedience of lesser gremlins resulting from their fear of her. Lately, she has begun working with other hags, her "sister-cousins", to devise new and more subtle plots to disrupt the lives of all creatures that prevented their victory in the god-war.
Bony fingers end in long talon-like nails that can deliver deep slashing wounds. Her mouth is filled with pointed teeth that can deliver a terrible bite. Selenea's emaciated look suggests a physical weakness, but this is highly deceptive. She is incredibly strong - stronger than all but the most heroic mortals of the world. She is incredibly agile as well, capable of great stealth.
Typically, Selenea is garbed in dark, tattered rags that are at once a reminder and a grim caricature of the diaphanous, flowing robes she favored as a limoniad. A leather thong belies the fact that she wears a gemstone pendant around her neck, tucked into the top of her gown's bodice. This gemstone is, in fact, her heartstone, the focus of her magical powers.
Like all night hags, Selenea has the ability to change her shape, allowing her to take on the appearance of a female of any of the Folk. Assuming a disguise in this manner does not diminish her strength in any way.
Also, as with all night hags, Selenea is capable of passing into the ethereal realm, and while there, haunting the dreams of others. This haunting allows her to deliver terrible nightmares to a victim, but it also acts as a limited type of possession, as she can use waking nightmares to coerce her victim-host into actions they would otherwise not undertake.
Finally, Selenea has a unique ability among night hags due to the fear and servitude of the gremlins she has coerced over the years. She has the ability to magically summon a number of lesser gremlins to do her bidding.
Pathfinder, 2nd edition Statblock
Personal History
As with all night hags, Selenea was first Awakened on Cartyrion as a Greater Limoniad in the Feywood, where she regaled in the bright colors of sunlight and fields of wildflowers that grew in the meadow clearings dotting the forest. At the time, the name she took for herself was Alectrea. As a greater limoniad, with significant connection to the primal energies that flow through all things on Cartyrion, Alectrea had considerable power and command of magic, which she used to ensure that the flowers in her meadows were always healthy, bright, and flourishing.After the touch of Corizzea, she became the antithesis of everything that she once was. As with all of the gremlins, her corruption causes her to despise everything she once held so dear. She became a creature of the night, of darkness and dim, colorless shadow. She finds bright color abhorrent, and avoids the golden rays of the sun as much as possible. Shen took her new name of Selenea as her old name reminded her of things she now despised.
formerly Electrea, when still a limoniad
14,328BCR (corrupted by Corizzea)
In the thousands of years after her corruption, but before the Great Strife, she roamed the Feywood at night, disrupting the revels of satyrs in their glades, and doing whatever she could to undo the work of the limoniads that continued to tend the wildflowers of the meadows. But when the god-war came, she was tapped by Corizzea, who was one of the The Gods of Coercion, to do more.
During the god-war, she organized small bands of gremlins who took more aggressive action against the Elves and nymphs of the Feywood. Their constant harassment kept the elves busy, preventing them from being able to offer significant aid to the elves, men, and dwarves who were fighting the large armies of foe in other places around the world. It was during this time that the gremlins of the Feywood began to refer to her as the Dark Queen. They served her out of fear, not out of any sense of duty or respect, because she quickly made examples of a few gremlins who thought themselves powerful. It took only a few years for word to spread among gremlinkind that Selenea was not to be trifled with or disobeyed.
Since the defeat of the Gods of Coercion and the end of the Great Strife, her actions, and those of the gremlins that do her bidding, have become far more subdued. But she still works toward her goals of disrupting all that she once considered beautiful, and still retains the obedience of lesser gremlins resulting from their fear of her. Lately, she has begun working with other hags, her "sister-cousins", to devise new and more subtle plots to disrupt the lives of all creatures that prevented their victory in the god-war.
Like all of her kind, Selenea vaguely resembles an emaciated, ancient humanoid, perhaps of elven origin. Her creased, leathery skin is a sickly bluish black in tone. Her nose is abnormally long, protruding from her face like a cruel, downward-curving beak. The irises of her eyes are a dull bluish color, paler than her skin.Bony fingers end in long talon-like nails that can deliver deep slashing wounds. Her mouth is filled with pointed teeth that can deliver a terrible bite. Selenea's emaciated look suggests a physical weakness, but this is highly deceptive. She is incredibly strong - stronger than all but the most heroic mortals of the world. She is incredibly agile as well, capable of great stealth.
Typically, Selenea is garbed in dark, tattered rags that are at once a reminder and a grim caricature of the diaphanous, flowing robes she favored as a limoniad. A leather thong belies the fact that she wears a gemstone pendant around her neck, tucked into the top of her gown's bodice. This gemstone is, in fact, her heartstone, the focus of her magical powers.
Powers and Abilities
Formidable as her physical weapons may be, Selenea's true powers are magical in nature. She has considerable mastery in spellcasting, reminiscent of a druid's ability, except that her spells tend to be destructive and disruptive rather than growth or health inducing.Like all night hags, Selenea has the ability to change her shape, allowing her to take on the appearance of a female of any of the Folk. Assuming a disguise in this manner does not diminish her strength in any way.
Also, as with all night hags, Selenea is capable of passing into the ethereal realm, and while there, haunting the dreams of others. This haunting allows her to deliver terrible nightmares to a victim, but it also acts as a limited type of possession, as she can use waking nightmares to coerce her victim-host into actions they would otherwise not undertake.
Finally, Selenea has a unique ability among night hags due to the fear and servitude of the gremlins she has coerced over the years. She has the ability to magically summon a number of lesser gremlins to do her bidding.
Pathfinder, 2nd edition Statblock
Selenea, Dark Queen of the Feywood - Creature 11
Selenea, like all night hags, is the corrupted form of a greater limoniad. twisted from their original forms by Corizzea of the Alevar, who deigns to undo as much of the work of Berdea, his rival, as possible. As do all night hags, she abhors and avoids sunlight and bright colors, preferring to move about in the darkness of night and amid the shadows. In her natural form, she resemble a humanoid female with features vaguely similar to those of elves or humans. Her skin is leathery and creased, reminiscent of an impossibly old mortal. Its color, however, is a bluish black. Her penetrating eyes are a pale, sickly grayish blue shade. Her clothing is styled vaguely like the diaphanous robes of a limoniad, but these are dark, dingy, and tattered. Bony hands end in incredibly long and sharp talon-like nails. Her mouth is filled with sharply pointed teeth. | |
Perception | +26, Darkvision |
Languages | Gremlish, Sylvan, Elvish, Commmon; also Infernal and Abyssal |
Skills | Aracana+22, Deception+22, Diplomacy+22, Intimidation+18, Nature+24, Occultism+24, Religion+22 |
STR +6 , DEX +4 , CON +6 , INT +4 , WIS +5 , CHA +3 | |
Items | Heartstone |
AC | 32 |
Saving Throws | Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +22 , (+2 item bonus on all saves vs magical effects if in possession of heartstone; -2 on these saves otherwise) |
HP | 200 - Immunities sleep - Weaknesses cold iron 10 - Resistances mental 10, psychic 10 |
Speed | 25ft |
Melee | ![]() ![]() |
Special Abilities | Hag's Despair [disease]: While suffering from this condition, a creature cannot recover from the Drained condition. Saving Throw: DC28 Fortitude Stage 1: Drained 1 (1 day) Stage 2: Drained increases by 2 (1 day) Dream Haunting If Selenea is ethereal and hovering over a sleeping chaotic or evil creature, she can ride the victim’s back until dawn. The creature endures tormenting dreams as the hag casts nightmare on it, and is exposed to abyssal plague. Any drained caused by dream haunting is cumulative. Only an ethereal being can confront Selenea and stop her dream haunting. Shape Change (concentrate, occult, polymorph, transmutation)[/br] Selenea can take on the appearance of any Medium female humanoid. This doesn’t change her Speed or her attack and damage bonuses with her Strikes but might change the damage type her Strikes deal if the new form lacks talon-like fingernails (typically to bludgeoning). Spell Ambush A creature flat-footed to Selenea takes a –2 circumstance penalty to checks and DCs to defend against her spells. |
Spells | Spell DC: 32 9th: Bind Soul (at will, requires heartstone), Ethereal Jaunt (requires heartstone) 8th: Dream Council 5th: Nightmare, Shadow Blast (x2 if from heartstone) 3rd: Dream Message (at will) 2nd: Invisibility (at will) 1st: Ray of Enfeeblement (at will), Sleep (at will) Constantly in effect: Detect Magic, Detect Alignment |