Summercamp 2024 Prompts & Articles
Here is RPGDinosaurBob's complete Summercamp 2024 body of work. The Pledge... all of the prompts... all of the articles written in response to those prompts... It's all here! And when it's all done, a Recap section will be included at the end.
Summercamp 2024 was just as much fun - and successful - as past camps have been. I reached my goal of 32 articles and the Diamond Badge.
On a more detailed level, my original goal was to focus on the history of Cartyrion, and particularly on the time leading up to and during the Great Strife (the god-war of two thousand years ago). Not every article fit this, but enough did for me to have a much better idea of what that time was like. "Present day" articles filled gaps in current lore, so they were still quite useful as well.
The only "fail" of the year involved a "stretch goal": Article 33 was going to be the Military Conflict article that provided a synopsis of the Great Strife itself. Having completed the 32 Diamond requirements with several days to spare, those last days were intended to be an epic effort to tell the tale of the war. Day 1 of this effort saaw me get an outline done, and several hundred words written. But alas, real life intervened in the form of me throwing my back out, rendering me unable to work at my desk. I could not complete the article within the Summercamp timeframe. It will get done... eventually. And I'm not letting this "miss" darken an otherwise cheerful, bright, and sunny summercamp experience.
Preliminary Work
The Pledge
This includes DinosaurBob's creative goals, motivations, and, of course, the challenge goals set for Summercamp 2024.
32 of 32 (42) Complete
Copper has been Claimed !
Silver has been Secured !!
Gold has been Grabbed !!!
Diamond is Done !!!!
The June 29th Copper Prompts ("Change")
Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A tumultuous region prone to natural disasters
...An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
...A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
...A sickness that caused societal upheaval
...A document that changed the course of history
...A displaced people in your world
...A conflict that involved a changing environment
...A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval
The Copper Wildcards. Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A myth about food
...A building associated with joy and fun
The July 6th Silver Prompts ("Refuge")
Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A settlement considered a refuge
...A technology used for defense or protection
...A naturally sheltered place
...A building considered a refuge against the world
...A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something
...A personal item that keeps you safe
...A tradition that gives comfort
...A species with protective anatomy
The Silver Wildcards. Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some
...A charity or other organization focussed around doing good
The July 13th Gold Prompts ("Belief")
Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A faction of an organization built around belief
...A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true
...An evil spirit or divine antagonist
...A document of spurious or controversial attribution
...A relic or symbol of belief
...Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief
...A leader or high-ranking person in an organization
...The practices and ceremonies of worship
The Gold Wildcards. Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city
...A hybrid species intentionally bred
The July 20th Diamond Prompts ("Decay")
Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A myth or prophecy about the end of the world
...A material that is resistant to decay
...A profession that is considered dirty
...An organization fighting corruption
...A tradition that represents moral decay
...An animal or plant that feeds on decay
...A degenerative disease
...A piece of tech that prevents decay
The Diamond Wildcards. Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...A storyteller, author or bard in your world
...A geographical region that is expanding
The July 27th Final Super-Special Bonus Prompts (because... 42!!)
Somewhere in your world setting, describe...
...a food often eaten by travelers
...a building that was meant to be temporary
Summercamp 2024 Recap
On a more detailed level, my original goal was to focus on the history of Cartyrion, and particularly on the time leading up to and during the Great Strife (the god-war of two thousand years ago). Not every article fit this, but enough did for me to have a much better idea of what that time was like. "Present day" articles filled gaps in current lore, so they were still quite useful as well.
The only "fail" of the year involved a "stretch goal": Article 33 was going to be the Military Conflict article that provided a synopsis of the Great Strife itself. Having completed the 32 Diamond requirements with several days to spare, those last days were intended to be an epic effort to tell the tale of the war. Day 1 of this effort saaw me get an outline done, and several hundred words written. But alas, real life intervened in the form of me throwing my back out, rendering me unable to work at my desk. I could not complete the article within the Summercamp timeframe. It will get done... eventually. And I'm not letting this "miss" darken an otherwise cheerful, bright, and sunny summercamp experience.
Regional maps prepared using Inkarnate
Battle maps prepared using DungeonFog
(with many map assets courtesy of Caeora)
Artwork designated as being from Pixabay is governed by
Pixabay License
copyright© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Robert O'Brien
Game Rules described herein are governed by
Open Game License version 1.0a
Descriptions of the World of Cartyrion, including, but not limited to its cosmology, deities, geography, political structures, religious sects, regional names, villages, towns, cities, and characters, are governed by Non-Commercial, Share-alike Creative Commonse License
Battle maps prepared using DungeonFog
(with many map assets courtesy of Caeora)
Artwork designated as being from Pixabay is governed by
Pixabay License
copyright© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Robert O'Brien
Game Rules described herein are governed by
Open Game License version 1.0a
Descriptions of the World of Cartyrion, including, but not limited to its cosmology, deities, geography, political structures, religious sects, regional names, villages, towns, cities, and characters, are governed by Non-Commercial, Share-alike Creative Commonse License