Bestowed Magic

There are many extremely powerful beings in the world, and in the non-material planes that surround it. These beings have an interest in the world, and they often seek out mortals through which they may channel their knowledge and abilities to achieve their goals. But this is a two-way street. Characters may seek out "Patrons" among these powerful beings to grant them access to magical abilities that would otherwise be beyond their reach.

Patronal Intercession is the Acquired Specialty through which a character learns the precise manners in which to interact with a Patron to receive the ability to produce magical effects. Like Arcane Understanding, this specialty requires dedication to learning, but instead of learning how to tap into and manipulate the Six Energies directly, this Specialty teaches the forms, styles, words and gestures needed to communicate with one's Patron. With a properly executed request, a link between Patron and protègè is established, through which a magical effect is achieved.

The deities of the world are obvious choices for Patrons; their protègès often are, but need not be priestly types. Beyond deities, many other powerful creatures from the planes beyond the material can be patrons. Astral beings not quite powerful enough to be considered gods may well be able to empower a character, or even a few. Powerful fey and other magical creatures that exist in the material world could also serve as Patrons.
The magic-related Acquired Specialties are designed to allow players to obtain character abilities that other game systems attributed to specific classes. The Patronal Intercession Specialty is designed to provide access to magical abilities that other systems might attribute to not only the Clerics / Priests, but also classes such as Paladin and Warlocks.

Any character who wishes to learn how to ask for guidance from "beyond" fits in with this Specialty.

Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to those who have established a relationship with a Patron, and have acquired the Patronal Intercession Specialty. Click on the name of a spell or effect to see the full description:

Tier 0 Spells (Cantrips)

Detect Magic
Detect Magic
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic, Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 min
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere

The caster is able to sense the presence of magical items or active spell effects within the area of effect. This awareness is a "sensation", the magic triggering the sensation does not reveal itself is any way. By turning slowly in place, the caster can get a general sense of direction from which the sensation emanates, but no indication of strength or exact source is revealed.

If multiple magical items o ractive spell effects are within the area of effect, the caster may detect more than one emanation, but only if the sources are well separated. Multiple magic items or active spell effects closely grouped together (like several items in a chest), or overlapping spell areas of effect will only generate one sensation.

Illusion spell effects are only detectable if the caster is of higher level than the level of the illusion's creator at the time the illusion was created.

Patron's Brand
Patron's Brand
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: one creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster utters a brief imploration to their Patron, then points forcefully at a selected target and shouts, "You Have Been Marked!". This causes a mark or brand to appear on the target creature - either somewhere upon the creature's skin (fur, feathers, shell, etc.) or upon clothing worn by the creature. The application of the mark is painless; the target may not even be aware of its appearance or continued presence.

The mark is a symbol or styling that is associated with the Patron, and is visible to all. Furthermore, the mark glows with a faint light. While not enough to illumninate surroundings, this light is sufficient to allow the target to be seen even in total (but not magical) darkness. (Such a mark might permit ranged attacks by the caster or others where otherwise not possible.)

Patron's Guidance
Patron's Guidance
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: one creature
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: touch
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster requests that their patron use their influence to help or hinder the outcome of an action that the target creature is about to perform. The next Skill Check performed by the target character or creature receives either a +1 bonus per CHA bonus of the caster. The spell remains in effect until the target attempts anything requiring a skill check.

If the target is attempting, or is about to attempt multiple actions requiring skill checks, the caster cannot specify which check is to be affected. It is always the first one. In the event that a single action requires multiple skill checks, these should be adjudicated in preferred attribute order (e.g. STR check, then DEX, then CON, INT, AWA, WIL, and finally CHA).

Patron's Light
Patron's Light
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: special (see below)
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: 60ft (18m) (see below)

The caster utters a brief imploration to their Patron, causing a magical light source to appear at a fixed point designated by the caster within the spell's range. This point is always a fixed location in space, and does not move while the spell duration lasts. It cannot be affixed to an item or creature.

The caster can designate the color and relative strength of the light. At maximum strength, the light emitted is capable of brightly illuminating an area within a 30' (9m) radius of its origin point, and dimly lighting a further 30' (9m) beyond. Less intense light would have appropriately smaller illumination radii. Intensity and color must be selected at the time of casting and cannot be altered once cast.

The light can be be blocked with any opaque material, though its origin point does not provide any physical thing on which to hang or place such a covering. The caster may will the light to cease prematurely if desired.

Patron's Voice
Patron's Voice
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 120ft (36m)
Area of Effect: target creature

After uttering the imploration to their Patron, the caster utters a brief message they wish to be conveyed secretly to the target creature. The target then hears a strange, ethereal, disembodied voice whispering in their ear, conveying the desired message. The voice is not identifiable, and nobody other than the target can hear it. The target must be known to the caster, but need not be within line of sight when the spell is cast.

The caster must be within an environment that permits sound to travel, but the target need not be. The target will "hear" the message even if they are enveloped in a zone of magical silence. Communication is one-way only; there is no provision for the target to respond in any magically-enhanced way.

Sense Disposition
Sense Disposition
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster can sense the current disposition, with respect to the caster, of a single target character within range. The target must be of animal intelligence or higher.

Upon uttering a brief imploration to the Patron, the caster can determine whether the target creature is Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Friendly, or Helpful. No further information is available.

Tier 1 Spells and Abilities

Charm Person
Charm Person
Tier 1

Discipline: Arcane, Bestowed
Elements: Audible
Target: 1 Character
Duration: 1 hour
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 10ft (3m)
Area of Effect: Target Character

The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target character within the specified range of the caster. This can be either a Player Character or an NPC, but must be of a heritage/parentage/race considered "playable" in game.

The intended target must attempt a Willpower (WIL) save with a DC of 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus. If the save fails, the target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by as many as three positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period.

If the target's WIL check succeeds, their attitude remains unchanged, but they are immune to any further attempts to magically alter their attitude toward the caster for one hour. Furthermore, even nonmagical attempts (e.g. use of the Diplomacy or Intimidation Acquired Specialties) to sway the target's attitude will fail during this hour.

This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster. This spell does not grant any language or comprehensive benefits.

Detect Curse
Detect Curse
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: One item
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 5ft (1.5m)
Area of Effect: Target Item

This spell permits the caster to detect whether or not a single item is Cursed. (A cursed item typically binds itself to a character or creature that touches or otherwise comes into possession of it, it then incurs some negative effect on the possesssor or their actions.)

The caster must be in the immediate proximity of the item being examined, but it is not necessary to touch it. No information about the nature or source of the curse is delivered; only the fact that the item is, or is not cursed.

Instill Fortitude
Instill Fortitude
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Touching the Target
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Target Creature

The caster implores their patron to restore some Stamina to a single target character or creature. After uttering the brief imploration, the caster must touch the intended target, upon which the target has 1d12 Stamina Points instantanously restored to them. If the target was Exhausted due to Stamina Points being reduced to 0, that condition is removed.

The target cannot be restored to a Stamina Point level higher than their current Maximum Stamina Points. The caster may target themself with this spell.

Lesser Sigilcraft
Lesser Sigilcraft
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed
Elements: See Description
Target: See Description
Duration: See Description
Rarity: Common
Trigger: See Description
Range: See Description
Area of Effect: See Description

This is not a spell; Sigilcraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Naturecraft provides the knowledge of how to create a Lesser Sigil, a pendant bearing a symbol associated with the being that bestows magical abilities upon the caster.

Once formed, the pendant can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells (equal to 2 plus the caster's level). These spells must be cast into the wreath; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the pendant have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. The Stamina drain occurs when the spells are charged into the pendant. If the spell requires a material component that is consumed by the target, that component must be provided at the time the spell is discharged. Otherwise, any material components are required and consumed at the time the headdress is charged.

Crafting a Lesser Sigil requires three full day of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity. Charging a Lesser Sigil requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual -- this must also be in a Safe Environment.

Patron's Aura
Patron's Aura
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: See Description

The caster asks their patron to influence the outcome of actions taken by other creatures around them. The caster chooses when the spell is cast whether that influence will be beneficial or detrimental. Beneficial influence grants a +1 adjustment to all skill checks, saving throws, and damage rolls. Detrimental influence imposes a -1 adjustment instead.

The Area of Effect of the spell is 10ft (3m) per caster level, up to a maximum of 50ft (15m). This area of effect is actually visible - a faint, but discernable glow (in a color associated with the patron) can be seen. This glow does not cast enough light to alter vision limitations in any way.

For each point of INT the caster has, one creature can be designated to be immune from the effect. Other than characters or creatures so designated, every creature within the area is affected by the spell, regardless of their association with the caster. These designations are made at the time of casting; the designees do not need to be within the area of effect at the time of casting, but can freely move in and out while the spell lasts.

Patron's Shield
Patron's Shield
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible
Target: self
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

A shimmering barrier of force appears around the caster, providing some protection them from all incoming damage of the Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning types. The shield lasts for 1 minute or until it absorbs a number of damage points equal 1d4 plus the CHA of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection from this spell cannot be "stacked" with itself. The caster can raise additional magical shields against other types of damage on subsequent turns without the Patron's Shield dissipating.

The shimmering nature of the shield does not impair the caster's vision in any way, nor does it affet the ability of others to see or target the caster.

Patron's Spark
Patron's Spark
Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster implores their Patron for the ability to cast a small bolt of one of the Six Energies at a single target. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.

The caster must specify a simple type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth, Vitality or Depletion to define the nature of the damage done. The target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the Cantrip.

If the target creature is Undead, and the caster chooses Vitality Energy, all of the damage done is Direct Damage. Alternatively, hurling Depletion Energy at an undead creature will actually restore lost Injury or Stamina Points (with Injury Points being restored first).

Tier 1

Discipline: Bestowed
Elements: Audible
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: 20ft (6m) per Caster Level

Upon casting the Tongues spell, the caster is able to communicate with persons without requiring a common language. Words spoken by the caster are "heard" by all those within the area of effect as if they were spoken in the hearer's native tongue. Simultaneously, any words spoken by creatures in the area of effect are understood by the caster, who "hears" them in their own native tongue.

The spell functions only between caster and targets, not among the targets themselves. Thus, for example, if a Dwarven caster comes across a skirmish between a group of Goblins and a group of Gnolls. The caster, speaking in Dwarvish, asks both groups to stop fighting. Both groups "hear" Dwarvish, despite the fact that none of the Goblins or Gnolls speak this tongue, they understand the caster perfectly. Each group may respond in their own languages, and while the caster will "hear" the two languages, the meaning of the responses will be clear. But the Goblins and Gnolls will still not understand each other.

In order to be affected by this spell, targets must be "persons". They must have an Intelligence level reasonably close to that of typical Folk (i.e. playable races), and they must have an actual "language". Common animals, birds, etc. are not affected by this spell, though certain magical creatures typically thought of as animals might be.

Tier 2 Spells and Abilities

(TBD) Inspired Action
(TBD) Patron's Boon
(TBD) Patron's Weapon
(TBD) Prayercraft
(TBD) Psychic Shield
(TBD) Sense Charm

Tier 3 Spells and Abilities

Tier 4 Spells and Abilities

Blessed Itemcraft

Tier 5 Spells and Abilities

Show spoiler
Greater Symbolcraft

Tier 6 Spells and Abilities

Tier 7 Spells and Abilities

Tier 8 Spells and Abilities

Tier 9 Spells and Abilities


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