The World of Cartyrion
Welcome to the World of Cartyrion, a new campaign setting for your Role Playing Game! Untouched woodlands filled with magical creatures... frontier towns and villages... dark, haunted forests and ancient ruins with secrets to discover... palace intrigue and secret agendas of political and religious leaders alike... bustling cities... high seas pirates... and more!
Cartyrion has a place for any high fantasy game style and is compatible with any rule set, but here, you will also find the Laurels & Loot Fantasy RPG Rules, an old-school inspired system that's light on mechanics, fast to learn, and focused on opportunities to let player characters do spectacular things in search of fame and fortune.
Regional maps prepared using
Battle maps prepared using
(with many map assets courtesy of
Artwork designated as being from Pixabay is governed by
Pixabay License
copyright© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Robert O'Brien
Game Rules described herein are governed by
Open Game License version 1.0a
Descriptions of the World of Cartyrion, including, but not limited to its cosmology, deities, geography, political structures, religious sects, regional names, villages, towns, cities, and characters, are governed by Non-Commercial, Share-alike Creative Commonse License